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Wellness > Health

5 Ways to Fit in Active Movement on Campus

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

It seems like once the semester starts, my gym-girl era screeches to a halt. With classes, work and maintaining friendships, who has time to fit in a workout? Finding a way to make it all work is possible though, and here are 5 ways I fit in movement and exercise on campus! 

1. Romanticizing my walks to class

In this heat, walking to class feels like the biggest obstacle ever, but I find that shifting my mindset on a bit of sweat makes all the difference! Wear your cutest outfit or athleisure attire and strut your way through campus listening to your favorite playlist or podcast. Imagine you’re the main character in a movie and this is your introduction scene. You’re turning a drab trip class into a fashion show for the student body. Manifest that energy and own it!

2. Take a free UF RecSports workout class!

In case you didn’t already know, we as UF students have access to so many incredible resources through UF RecSports! Class options include yoga, cycle, hip-hop/dance fitness and so many more! Grab a friend and make it a girls date, or go solo to meet new people!

3. Youtube your heart out

Did anyone else used to do those 15 minute YouTube workout classes in their room at like 2 in the morning or was it just me? For some reason, doing them in the living room in high school felt so exposing, but we’re big girls now and we know that moving our bodies helps us feel active and excited for the day! Don’t be embarrassed to bust out that old yoga mat and do a simple YouTube workout you searched up quickly. Remember, being active doesn’t have to look like those crazy hardcore TikTok “gym-fluencers” you see on your for-you page. Working out in your dorm or apartment is just as beneficial to your mind, body and soul as gyming it away in Southwest.

4. Hit up Lake Wauburg

Remember those incredible workout classes UF RecSports has? They also have an ENTIRE LAKE! Lake Wauburg offers an extensive array of fun outdoor activities to get you moving! Try the rock climbing wall, do some paddleboarding or kayaking or get your friends together for a little game of beach volleyball by the water! A short 25 minute drive from campus, Lake Wauburg is the perfect spot for an afternoon or Saturday getaway with the gals or for a little alone time. 

5. Join a fitness club

There are so many on-campus clubs focused on a variety of movement/fitness based activities! Running clubs and walking clubs are abundant, but did you know UF has a Judo club? Rugby, kickboxing, bass fishing and cricket are a few other fun ones you may not have thought to be on the list, but are sure to be a fun adventure! Fitness and pursuing active movement can lead to new friendships and opportunities, so get out there and try something new, you never know what could happen!

Bella Zaiden is a second-year Advertising student at the University of Florida. She's passionate about health and wellness; fashion and beauty; and expressing creativity in all possible ways! As a born-and-raised Gainesville girl, Bella loves to walk the local parks and trails, thrift around town, and tuck away in the best small coffee shops GNV has with a good book or podcast! Chat her up via Instagram: @bella.e.z