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7 Tips on Getting Through the Sunday Scaries in College

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

The “Sunday Scaries” are infamous. It’s that feeling that hits you around 1 pm on a Sunday afternoon. All of a sudden, you’re tired, panicked and left with an unavoidable feeling of impending doom for…something. Whether it’s caused by a particularly long Saturday night out or an overwhelmingly busy upcoming week, the Sunday Scaries are not to be messed with, especially in college. For a lot of kids, being away from their families and home can put them far out of their comfort zone. The anxious Sunday feeling gets doubled because not only are you stressed, you’re also not in a place that you can relax in. Though they may feel like it, Sunday Scaries are not going to kill you. Here are a few very simple tips and tricks I have to get past them and into Monday with a fresh face and clear mind. 

1. Go for a Workout

I know this is common advice and it’s probably the last thing you want to do on a Sunday. However, working out doesn’t always have to be a 2-hour long push day in the gym or an ankle-breaking 5-mile run. The goal is to simply move your body in a way that works for you. A slow walk-through campus listening to your favorite Gracie Abrams album, taking a quick hike to The Hub Starbucks or running through a short 10-minute stretch routine on your floor are perfect examples. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good bed-rot, but sometimes the best way to break through the brain fog is to get up and move. 

2. Reconnect with nature

No, I’m not kidding. I’m sure you’ve seen the funny social media posts of girls sitting on grass or walking outside barefoot the morning after a long night out. I’m here to say that this isn’t just an online bit. Grounding is a real practice and it works. I can’t count the number of hours I’ve spent feeling anxious and off-beat inside before deciding to go outside and feeling better immediately. Sometimes, all you need for a clear mind is some sun. Sit on your porch, hang out in Plaza of the Americas or head to Paynes Prairie and I promise you’ll feel tremendously better. 

3. Deep clean your rooM

Clean! Simple as that. Wash your sheets, do your laundry, pull out that Swiffer sweeper, take out your trash and pull out the all-purpose spray for your desk. Deep cleaning your space does wonders to deep clean your brain. It might not get your homework done or get rid of the previous night’s actions, but at the very least, you’ll be anxious in a space that doesn’t reflect how you might feel. 


Knocking out a to-do list is my fail-safe way to move past the Sunday Scaries, and I’m not saying a hard list filled with hours-long tasks. I’m saying to put everything on that to-do list. Filling up your water bottle? A task. Making your bed? A task. Watching that finale episode of your favorite show? A must-do task. Even though it might seem trivial, being able to cross off those random items can do numbers at making yourself feel better about a lazy Sunday. 


Cooking has been my favorite stress relief task for years. When I was in high school, I used to stress bake on the weekends, resulting in pans of brownies and three different types of cookies that would sit on my kitchen counter for days afterwards. Nevertheless, it works! Most times, the simplest things can make you feel better. Eating some good food is one of those things. Some of my favorite comfort activities include making vodka pasta, curling up with a blanket and binge-watching Gilmore Girls.

6. take a nap

Sometimes, the best thing you can do for yourself is sleep. It’s definitely important to set yourself up for a good Monday by getting some homework done, meal prepping or cleaning your room. But, it’s also crucial to understand the importance of not pushing yourself too hard. Take a nap if you’re tired. Rot on the couch and watch rom-coms. Order takeout and shut your door. Prioritize your sleep!

7. hang out with other people

This may not always be in your best interest as Sunday Scaries often call for complete silence and isolation. However, I’ve found that there are times where no matter what I do, I can’t escape that pit in my stomach. Sometimes, it’s ok to just distract yourself. Go on a drive with your best friend, grab dinner with the girls on your floor or ask anyone if they want to study with you at Marston. Be social. Talk to other people. You’ll feel better. And that’s it! I understand from first-hand experience that doing anything on these types of days might feel completely impossible. But if you push through it and force yourself to do just one of these tasks, I can guarantee you’ll feel much better and set you up for a well-rested and productive week.

Lily Perkins is currently a second-year sports journalism major at the University of Florida. This is her first year writing for Her Campus. When she's not in class or at work, she enjoys swimming, listening to music, spending money on coffee, and being with her friends. After graduation, she plans on traveling and hopes to work in motorsport as a journalist.