Time with friends and family, perfect back-porch weather, and mint chocolate chip ice cream are just a few things that make me really, really happy. Have you ever taken time to think about what truly gives you joy in life?
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin explores changing your life by improving your daily attitude and outlook. The back of the book gives us some good insight about what to expect from Rubin:
“What if you could change your life without really changing your life? On the outside, Gretchen had it all — a good marriage, healthy children and a successful career — but she knew something was missing. Determined to end that nagging feeling, Gretchen set out on a year-long quest, her own “happiness project,” to learn how to better enjoy the life she already had.”
When I was making the decision to choose this as our next book that last sentence really stuck out to me, “…how to better enjoy the life she already had.”
Isn’t that something we always look for as college students? I’m constantly searching for a new favorite coffee shop, a new favorite purse, or a new involvement project on campus — anything to make my current life better.
For the next two weeks, I encourage you to evaluate what’s important to you in life. Make these things a priority, not an option.
So many people have been positively affected by reading “The Happiness Project,” and I hope it will help you along the your journey as well.
Until next time, here’s an enlightening quote from Gretchen Rubin to get you excited as you begin your own journey toward happiness…
“One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make other people happy. One of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy yourself.” –Gretchen Rubin