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Connecting with Christian Communities on Campus

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Whether you’ve grown up in church or just begun learning about God, one of the most beneficial things you can do as a Christian is to find a community of fellow believers to walk through life with. At UF, there are countless Christian ministries and churches dedicated to meeting students wherever they are in their faith and helping them grow. Nonetheless, navigating a swamp of different ministries can be difficult and even frustrating at times. So, no matter what college campus you call home, here are some things to keep in mind throughout the “church shopping” process:

1. Know Thyself

Initially, I found the search for college ministries and churches quite intimidating. With so many options and little differentiation of the surface level, one thing that was tremendously helpful for me when I was searching for one was to write down the different things I wanted in a ministry. This way, you have a clear line of reference to return to and avoid elated feelings clouding your judgment of what you are truly looking for. This list can always be edited; however, it allows you to reflect on your relationship with God and identify what the most important components of a ministry are to you.

2. You Can’t Judge a Book by its Cover… or by the First Page

Attending a church or a ministry only one time will more often than not leave you with an incomplete picture of who they truly are. Since we are all human and prone to making mistakes, so many factors behind the scenes could impact your first time going there. Therefore, I’d recommend at least three visits per ministry so you can get the full picture of what each church/ministry has to offer. Don’t be afraid to talk to some people on staff, read the mission statement on their website, join a small group – anything that allows you to get a more genuine insight into the heart of their ministry.

3. If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again

If you believe that the church/ministry is not where God wants you to be, there is nothing wrong with checking out different ones. At the end of the day, connection to the body of Christ is what’s most important, regardless of where you attend a Sunday or weeknight service. This sentiment is shared by so many church leaders: as long as you’re receiving the true Word of God, the specific church you go to for that is secondary. Even if you checked out several, don’t be discouraged! God knit you together with your specific college ministry in mind and He will remain faithful to His promise whether it’s the first or fifth ministry you attend.

4. No Ministry is Perfect

If you’ve attended church in the past, you are not going to find a carbon copy of what you attend on your college campus… but that’s okay! Different seasons of your faith are going to lead to changes in your life, but these changes can still be used by God all the same. Additionally, no ministry or church will be perfect either. Being covered by grace does not take away from the sinful reality of man and the mistakes that they will make, even within the church. Therefore, it is critical not to have an expectation of perfection nor to have your faith be primarily dependent on a ministry run by imperfect people. Ultimately, our faith is not in the Christians but in Christ so no imperfections of man can take away from the perfection of God. 

5. Pray, Pray, Pray

The most important advice I could give is simply that, pray. Cast your cares onto God, let Him know the desires of your heart, and talk to Him about your worries and questions. Pray that God’s will is done in your life and that your eyes can see as He does. He promises that all things will work for the good of those who love Him. He will remain true and faithful throughout your college years and the rest of your life, so remain steadfast in who He is and simply talk to Him.

​​Finding God in Gator Nation

If you are a student at UF and are still unsure of a ministry to attend, here are some to begin your search:

1. Salt Company | Thursdays at 7:30pm and 9:00pm | @saltcompanyuf

2. Greenhouse College | Sundays at 7:00pm | @greenhousecollege

3. Baptist Collegiate Ministry | Tuesdays at 8:00pm | @uf.sf.bcm

4. Younglife | Tuesdays at 8:00pm | @gatoryounglife

5. Reformed University Fellowship | Tuesdays at 7:30pm | @rufatuf

6. Cru | Thursdays at 8:00pm | @cruatuf

Sofia Fernandez is a freshman at the University of Florida majoring in Public Relations on the Pre-Law Track! At UF, not only is she involved in Her Campus, but she is also a member of PRISM Magazine and the Student Honors Organization. Sofia is half Cuban and half Puerto Rican but was raised in Miami, Florida! Sofia's passions include writing and music. She has played the piano for 13 years and taught herself how to play the guitar. Her favorite songs to play are worship songs and songs by Stephen Sanchez. She hopes that her writing can be used to inspire others and be a light in the lives of others.