With everything, social media comes with the good, the bad and the ugly. Good because it can connect people around the globe, bad because we waste too much time on it, and ugly because it can negatively affect our point of view.
We are all guilty of scrolling through social media and letting a few pictures determine our #goals. Why do we do this? Because we can’t help but to compare our lives to others. Newsflash: someone will always have it better than you do. Most of the time the person you’re comparing yourself to may not have it all figured out either. That’s what’s key to remember. We do not know what’s going on in their lives. Comparison is the enemy here.
Think someone looks perfect? It’s called editing apps. Call every “loving” couple on Instagram #goals? I’m sure they have their problems, too. Wish you could travel every other day? Most of those trips are sponsored. Want to look just like Kylie Jenner? Why? Learn to love the skin you’re in. If you’re reading this from your own personal computer or cellphone, you are already so beyond blessed. People wish they had half the things you do. There’s only one you, and there’s only one life. Learn to be your best self and not get caught up in what won’t matter to you in a few years.
Now I’m not saying those things are impossible to attain, but true #goals should be what you can be doing to help you get there. Nothing happens at the snap of your fingers. Nothing. I want to land my dream job. I want to make an effort to go on a run every morning. I want to kick ass in everything that I do. THAT is a real set of goals.
Don’t go through life expecting a “picture perfect” ending and you’ll be a happier person. Thank God that you’re healthy, happy and have a family that loves you. Because that’s all that really matters in this life.
Photo Credits: Instagram