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Fitness with Finesse: How Pinterest can Help you be Healthy (But Really)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.


Admit it: we all secretly love to scroll through Pinterest in that boring class or pin a few things to “WANT” when we are standing in the perpetual line at Starbucks, but can Pinterest also help us get fit?

I knew there had to be a way to make one of my favorite websites relevant to staying in shape, so I started exploring what Pinterest has to offer in terms of health and fitness. Turns out, there was a section or two waiting to be discovered.

For those of us who easily get bored doing the same routine every single time we walk into the gym, look no further. There is an endless number of pins with different workout routines. Regardless of whether one is labeled a “morning” routine, an “afternoon” routine, or even a “Vampire Diaries workout game” (oh yes, it exists), they can each be done on any schedule and prevent workout boredom from ever happening again. In addition, some workouts allow you to pick and choose which parts of your body you want to exercise. Pinterest has the perfect workout for you whether its for your arms, legs, or butt.

I know I am not exactly a gourmet chef when it comes to eating right – vegetables come in the form of salads and fruit involves, well, apples and oranges. Pinterest puts health food in a completely different light. Not only does it have easy recipes to make anyone’s favorite food, but it also has ways to make that food healthy and unique. Everything looks extra delicious when paired with the words “healthy” or “low-fat.” A healthy chicken salad made with yogurt rather than mayonnaise, “skinny” pancakes made with oatmeal, or even a recipe for easy pumpkin frozen yogurt can be found by simply scrolling down the page. After looking at all the brightly colored, nutrient-packed, low-fat and low-calorie foods that others have made, my cravings for “bad” foods all but disappear.

But really, why go out for froyo when you can freeze your own with – grab a pen – one cup of Greek yogurt, one cup of pumpkin puree, one tablespoon of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon?

For me, Pinterest also works as a motivator. Somebody really likes posting pictures of athletes in their prime or celebrities at the epitome of perfection, because there are always plenty of them popping up on my feed; I would complain, but they actually work. Do I really want that extra brownie, or do I want to look like Kerri Walsh did when she won her third Olympic gold at age 33 with her perfectly flat abs after having children? Did you know she found out she was pregnant at the Olympic games in London this past August? Maybe I should go work out more…

Finally, if I ever really question my resolve for working out or eating right, I like to turn to the fashion pages to remind myself that (as superficial as this sounds), I work hard so I can look good and feel well. Everyone deserves to look as put-together as the model wearing a new dress and heels, and I like to remind myself that if I live the right lifestyle – meaning I eat decently well and exercise as much as possible – then I can feel well. And if I feel well, I will look good.

Health is not just about your body, and fitness is more than a certain number of push-ups!
Check back to see other tools and ideas you can use to reach your ultimate level of fitness.