So you slaved away at the gym four or five days last week, you ate [decently] well and you even avoided all of the delicious pumpkin goodies every store seems to tempt you with. Are you still not seeing the results you want? Our bodies often require extra effort to reach success. Fortunately, all we have to do is make a few small changes to see a difference!
1. Eat a good breakfast.
A typical response to this is: define “good.” Well a granola bar will no longer cut it, nor will a cup of coffee. Although a recent study found those who drink caffeinated coffee experience an average 16% increase in metabolism, so Starbucks away! But remember to pair your favorite coffee with a small meal – try oatmeal with blueberries, an egg white and spinach omelet or a bagel with peanut butter and honey. Feeding your body well in the morning serves to discourage you from overeating later in the day. Not to mention it “activates” your metabolism and makes it work faster throughout the day!
2. Try complex exercises.
Rather than working out one part of the body at the time, aim for exercises that use multiple muscle groups or involve both strength and cardio. Think of it as multi-tasking – of course doing two things at once is more productive! Instead of more bicep curls, aim for push-ups and chest flies to work out your shoulders and chest in addition to your arms, or try combining squats and overheads to work your upper and lower body simultaneously.
3. In fact, try completely new exercises.
Once your mind and body get set into a particular workout routine, the extra “oomph” that helps burn fat and use up calories is gone. Over time, muscle memory makes it easier to repeat your routine over and over, so instead of challenging yourself and burning calories, you are really just moving through the motions. I am guilty of going straight to the nearest treadmill every time I enter the gym myself, but attempting the elliptical or stair machines will ultimately give us all a better workout!
Try a new exercise class, or ask a friend to show you her exercise routine. If you are feeling very original, try switching the direction of your usual routines. That’s right. Next time you are working out, try your lunges backwards, or if you are extra courageous, try jogging backwards and use any weird looks you get as motivation. The ultimate goal is to switch up the muscle groups you use for the best workout possible.
4. Drink more water, and then drink some more.
We all guzzle water when we work out, but do you hydrate before hitting the gym? You should. Think about it – muscles are 72% water; therefore, they function better when your body is fully hydrated. Better functioning muscles mean more calories burned and more definition gained. Plus, dehydration can cause a loss of focus and energy while working out, not to mention nobody wants to risk passing out at the gym just because they didn’t drink that extra bottle of water.
5. Have a lazy day or two.
Working out every single day may seem like a sure way to get in shape fast, but in reality it only serves to exhaust your muscles. Studies show that five days of sufficient workouts is the maximum before your body needs a well-deserved break. Taking a rest day allows your body to rebuild itself and regain its strength. As long as your day off doesn’t involve sitting on the couch and eating ice cream, you will be energized and able to work out at your peak the following day!
Remember: the most effective workout is any workout, so keep at it!