It’s getting colder, and while we like wearing sweaters and drinking hot coffees (instead of iced ones, am I right?) without the burden of melting away on a hot Florida day, it’s a struggle to choose a going-out outfit. Do you want to show some skin, but want to avoid freezing to death? Do you want to cover yourself from head to toe, stay warm and still look acceptable for the Mid? No one knows the perfect combination, but what everyone knows are the stages of actually choosing an outfit before the night is over.
1. When you see it’s going to be less than your usual 80°F weather
2. Now is not the time to back out
The night is promising you a good time. You are a strong girl who is determined to go out.
3. Okay, but how chilly is it going to be??? Antarctica-cold or a cool, windy night?
There is no in-between.
4. Mentally planning out an outfit based on cute pictures you saw in that magazine a while ago
Thigh-high boots with a long sweater? That cute coat you saw paired with those accessories? O’ THE IDEAS YOU HAVE.
5. Slight problem: you don’t have half of the items you are imagining to complete your dream outfit
Whether the problem is no money or no time, it’s a problem and its nagging at you at the same time… Plus, all your clothes are summery.
6. Your roommates are screaming at you for being so slow
Looking good takes time and effort. Momma taught me good.
7. Scrambling through your closet to see if a miracle happens.
The mess? It can be cleaned up the next day… or a three days after that.
8. Progress is made when you see that cute top you forgot about that was hiding in your not-very-tidy closet
Maybe… Just maybe that can protect you from the cold…
9. WAIT! It matches with those cute leggings!
And those cute suede booties! Yay!
10. Grab ya’ purse and head out the door, girl.
Go out, strut your stuff, and have fun!
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