Fall is officially upon us, but it’s not exactly “No Shave November” just yet. There’s still time to hit the pool and the beach, which means you might want to have your bikini area well-kept. Personally, I find shaving to be a tedious chore, but you can make your shaving experience (down there) a relaxing and spa-like task by following these easy steps.
Trim your pubic hair before shaving
Grab a pair of manicure scissors and start (carefully) trimming away your longer hair. This will give you a more manageable area to work with. Cut your pubic hair down to the length you desire, but be careful; make sure you don’t cut anything other than your pubic hair.
Take a warm bath
Incorporate a bath into your shaving routine to make it feel more like a spa day than a chore. This will make your pubic hair softer so it will be easier to shave. Plus, it’s always nice to relax and take a bath every now and then.
Buy a new razor
Make sure you use a new, clean razor whenever you’re shaving. Used razors are often too dull. They force you to stroke the same area repeatedly, which can cause skin irritation. A new razor will give you the close-shave you’re looking for.
Use shaving cream
Avoid using water alone to shave. This can cause serious irritation and razor burns to your private area. But, there is also no need to use handfuls of shaving cream. Make sure you use just enough to spread out evenly throughout the region.
Shave with the grain, not against it
For those of you who aren’t familiar with this term, it means shave in the direction your hair grows. This will help decrease your chances of getting those pesky ingrown hairs. Make sure you make long, even strokes over the area, too.
Don’t get me wrong. If shaving your pubic hair isn’t your thing, then explore another options that you may be more comfortable with. If you have sensitive skin, I would suggest looking into waxing… That is if you can tolerate the pain. Although some people feel it’s expected for a woman to shave her pubic hair, it’s still your body at the end of the day, and you should only do what makes you comfortable.