One of the joys of both going to college and being a girl is the ability to decorate your room.
Dorm rooms are not always the most beautiful or clean spaces to spend your first year of college life, but it will be home to many fun and exciting experiences. (My dorm room even had an iron print on the floor).
When moving into your new college pad, here are some things to remember.
1.    Talk to your future roomie beforehand. Whether she is your BFF from your hometown or a random girl, talk to her. Get a feel for the types of things she likes or doesn’t like. You definitely don’t want a huge picture of someone like Marilyn Manson if her hero is Bob Marley, and vice versa. It’s her room, too.
2.    If you guys hit it off or have similar interests—work together! Plan a color scheme or at least mismatching comforters. All the other girls on the floor will wish that their roomie (and room) is as cool as yours.
3.    Leave room for improvement. When I first got to college I felt like my walls were so bare! I didn’t know what to put on them.  I can promise you, however, they will be filled up by the end of the year. Dorm rooms tend to accumulate things from your life. Often your hall mates may pull pranks and put random things on your wall to see if you notice. New friends mean new pictures to put on your wall. And you will of course accumulate tons of paraphernalia from your school. I can’t even begin to tell you about all the free orange and blue stuff I got.
4.    Relax! Don’t worry if your room isn’t perfect. Dorm rooms aren’t supposed to be. My roommate and I didn’t coordinate…but we ended up having a similar color scheme, which worked out really well. It doesn’t even matter if your side of the room looks completely opposite, what matters is that the both of you feel comfortable and happy in your space.