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How to Have a Solid Morning Routine in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

There’s nothing worse than waking up in a panic, realizing you snoozed your alarm and missed your morning class. Stressing over being late or not managing your time well enough is never fun. The trick is to have a morning routine that you can rely on and know is applicable to your life. Here’s how to have a perfect morning routine in college.

Write your to-do list for each day

Writing to-do lists and planning are my favorite things to do so I stay productive. One thing you can start implementing in your morning routine is writing down the things you have to get done each day. Grab your planner, your phone’s notes app or just a sheet of paper and start planning! Things you can write will vary, from exam dates to when you need to do laundry. This is a simple and efficient way to make sure your morning is organized.

Wake up earlier

Cliché? Yes. True? Also yes. Start by waking up 30 minutes earlier than you normally would and increase as time goes on.. By waking up earlier in the morning, you will have extra time to get things done. You can make your bed, drink coffee while getting ready and work on any last-minute assignments you might have that day. By doing these things in the morning, you won’t have to worry about them later on in the day. You wouldn’t believe the number of things you can get done before noon if you start your day just a bit earlier than normal.

Plan where you want your workspace to be that day

Luckily for us college students, a lot of our work can be done online nowadays. Whether that’s writing papers, doing online tests or taking notes, you can almost always work away from home. Use this to your advantage. In the morning, plan where you want to work that day; the options are limitless. You can work on campus, the library, empty classrooms, a designated study space or even your living room. You can start working in the mornings if you’d like because a lot of people feel more motivated during the early morning hours. Plan away and see the great results that stem from it.

Listen to motivating words and stay off social media

I cannot stress this enough. Do not go on your phone as soon as you wake up. Just don’t! Social media does not help you achieve anything productive, especially just minutes after waking up. Instead, start listening to productivity-based media. Podcasts and audiobooks are amazing sources to start your day off right. Not only are they realistic and helpful, but they provide you with knowledge.

Morning routines are crucial for college students. By creating your own morning routine that’s specific for your lifestyle, you’re doing yourself a huge favor. You’re showing up for yourself. You can’t be of service to others if you’re not treating yourself well, too.

Former Feature Writer. UF English Literature Alum.