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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Although I have mixed feelings about this aspect of my lifestyle, I am undeniably celebrity-obsessed. My fascination with celebrities takes up an absurd amount of my mind, which can make it difficult to not hold them to a higher standard than the people around me. Recently, celebrity couple Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid were the centers of media attention.

I wonder how it is possible to stop putting famous people on a pedestal and actually hold them accountable in a helpful way. 


Cancel culture is a frequently debated and sometimes obnoxious concept we are dealing with more so than ever. The need to hold a celebrity accountable for their wrongdoings has become more prevalent and public. If someone does something we all view as morally wrong, then how can we properly “punish” them to make a change? Social media makes this even more of an issue, as it gives everyone the platform to voice their opinion on what was done wrong. 

However, cancel culture is more nuanced than it seems. To me, cancel culture should just be referred to as accountability. It is always important to hold someone, whether they are a celebrity or not, accountable for their actions. This does not mean that someone should never get a second chance, though. It is possible for a person to learn from their mistakes and change for the better. Leaving room for change and growth is necessary for life. 

To me, one of the best ways to hold someone accountable is to wait for real change. When a celebrity does something wrong, they tend to respond with a vague and repetitive written statement. It is essential for people to wait for real action so we can see the change rather than just hear about it. If change does not happen, then you can make your own choice about how your view of this person has permanently changed. 

cancel culture

Some of the things to consider when holding someone accountable are the pros and cons of cancel culture. One of the biggest negatives comes from online bullying. This social media bullying can cause great mental distress for the recipient, and it will not lead to successful change in the end. 

However, there are benefits to this callout culture. The trend of accountability can give more people who struggle to attain acknowledgment a voice. Due to the power of this movement, we are able to hear from more people, and allegations are taken more seriously. 

Even if you are a fan of someone, you should never blindly support them without evidence. In most situations, we do not even know the full story, which makes it even more important to give room for people to make their own changes. 

Minna is an English major at the University of Florida. She is a features editor for Her Campus UFL.