Disability is more normalized now than ever before. Internet shows like SBSK and disabled YouTubers like Jessica Kellgren-Fozard work hard to change society’s view of disabilities. The exposure they provide to those who feel uncomfortable toward disabilities, or who were unaware of what disabilities are like, is powerful enough to erase stereotypes.  One YouTube couple emerged on the platform nine months ago, and they are winning over the hearts of the Internet.
Shane Burcaw and Hannah Aylward, under the channel name Squirmy and Grubs, started dating over three years ago after meeting online. Hannah reached out to Shane after watching some of his YouTube videos, and the two instantly knew they should be together.
The couple does all they can to help their audience learn about disability.
Shane suffers from Spinal Muscular Atrophy, which means he has never walked and needs assistance with everyday activities. Shane and Hannah speak openly about what kind of care Shane needs and how it is performed, such as how she helps him use the bathroom and get ready for the day. The most uplifting part is that Shane’s care is never a burden – Hannah always mentions in their videos that it’s a part of their relationship, and it’s something they get to do together.
Squirmy and Grubs appear on different disability-centered YouTube channels, including SBSK, and news channels to promote the normalization of disability and inter-abled relationships. The couple was recently asked to star on Dr. Phil but turned it down after hearing Dr. Phil’s comments on the legitimacy of caregiving relationships.
Disability isn’t the only thing to Shane and Hannah’s relationship. Cooking and traveling videos frequently appear on their channel as well as vlogs and Q&As. In every video they post, it’s clear that their love is limitless, and their relationship isn’t different from any other.
People like Shane and Hannah introduce a different community to those, like myself, who have had little interaction with and knowledge of disability. Watching their videos helped me learn so much about disability, and I’m more conscious about the different needs of people because of it. With about 360,000 subscribers, Shane and Hannah bring together viewers of all backgrounds and built their own community that doesn’t see disability as a disadvantage.
Recently, America has taken steps backward in the improvements we’ve made toward disability, so it’s important to support those willing to put themselves out there for change.