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Keep Calm and Register On

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

A single word – “registration” – instills more fear in UF students than Halloween.
The act of choosing classes for next semester – don’t they understand that we are currently just trying to survive the courses we’re actually enrolled in right now? – while dealing with homework, mid-terms and group projects can be seriously daunting. Take it from us, the seasoned experts of being scorned by the registrar, that registration is way tougher than it seems.
That’s why we’ve decided to construct this guide. Her Campus UFL will help you stay sane while juggling section numbers, tracking courses and degree audits. Read on and stay calm!

First, let’s deal with your date. Don’t freak out if your registration start time is way later than all of your friends’ – it’s still before someone’s, and that’s what matters. If you have a class you really need or want to schedule at a specific time, you can ask a girlfriend to save you a seat. But keep in mind that she has her own courses to deal with. Plus, a student can’t add a class that will take them over 18 hours without special permission.
However, you do want to make sure that as soon as your time passes, you’re ready to register. If this means bringing a laptop to class, do so. If this means getting up early, do so. Having a great schedule is worth it.
Next, let’s talk preparation. Forget trying to make a comprehensive semester plan on Excel. It’s only going to end up convoluted. Use a handy website like Schedulizer (http://ufl.schedulizer.com/) – which has UF’s schedule of courses in its system – to create a number of possible schedules. That way, if one doesn’t work out, you have a back up. Also, Schedulizer lets you enter other events you need to consider, like weekly meetings or your work schedule.
Real talk: You should probably go see an adviser. It may be a pain, but it can’t be anything but helpful. Talking to the people who set the requirements for your major can be very helpful. They know what they’re talking about, after all – and may be able to force you into a class that’s listed as full.
Schedule an appointment with your adviser by calling his or her office. Don’t try to just connect with them via email because they have hundreds of other students doing the exact same thing. Come to your appointment on time and with questions prepared – that way, you’ll have the info you need right in front of you. If all else fails, consult the university’s website (http://www.registrar.ufl.edu/soc/regtips.html#tips).
Here’s what you came for: the secrets. In order to add a class, you have to type in your password. Since it probably involves numbers and capitalizations and other elements that are easy to mis-type when you’re in a hurry, have it ready on your clipboard. That way, you can just paste it.
Afterward, print a copy of your schedule. This way, you have physical confirmation of what you signed up for. Put it in your bag and compare with friends. Coordinate sections that way instead of trying to talk over Facebook chat – it’s a lot easier.
Don’t freak out if you check the textbook requirements and your professor wants $300 worth. Many times, you don’t have to buy every one. Also, you don’t have to use the UF Bookstore to do so. Amazon has cheaper, used copies; with Amazon Prime, buying textbooks can even be – dare we say it – inexpensive!
If you truly get totally fed up with trying to register, the best idea is to walk away. Adding random classes while angry is not a good idea. Go outside, have a snack or call a friend. Any university student will empathize.
Finally, remember that this isn’t final. If you walk away from your registration start time with a schedule you hate, it’s okay. You’ve got until Jan. 13 to make your schedule how you like it. People will drop and add classes all throughout Winter Break and Drop/Add Week. All you have to do is check ISIS.
Be dedicated in your ISIS stalking. You may have to check again.
And again.
… and again.
We wish you all free Fridays! Good luck navigating the system, Gator girls!