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No Gym? No Problem! Here are My Top 3 Favorite Fitness YouTubers.

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

One of my favorite fictional characters of all time is Elle Woods. As a high school student, this fashionable Gemini vegetarian created a desire in me to excel in school and get accepted into my dream school: the University of Florida. (What, like it’s hard?) While I have successfully applied many of Elle’s fictional daily habits – such as studying, participating in extracurriculars and making time for friends – into my own lifestyle, I admittedly struggle with consistently implementing her habit of exercise. The scene of Elle reading her textbook on her elliptical is an iconic reminder that students must make time for their health.

If you’re like me, though, making time for a one-hour sweat sesh in the gym might feel impossible when I have an endless to-do list filled with tasks for work, classes and clubs. Thankfully, the power of a certain digital platform allows me to get in a workout that makes me feel strong and empowered without ever leaving my room. These YouTubers help me reach my fitness goals on the days when I only have a set amount of time to move my body:

1. Jessica Valant Pilates

First, one of my favorite fitness YouTubers is Jessica Valant Pilates. I have consistently completed Pilates workouts alongside her for years, and though a digital screen divides us, I feel as though I know her! As a physical therapist, she can explain every move that I am doing and why it is beneficial to my body. Furthermore, she offers a multitude of accommodations for each movement, which makes me feel proud of myself no matter where I am at that day in my fitness journey. With videos lasting from five to forty minutes, I can ensure that I am getting a challenging workout no matter what my schedule allows!

2. Maddie at MadFit

Second, Maddie at MadFit always gets my heart rate up! I recently started my running journey after being influenced by the running community on social media. While Florida’s rainy season loves to make its appearance as soon as I’m lacing up my shoes, I can always rely on MadFit to provide a cardio workout that still gives me those happy post-run endorphins. I especially love her music-based workouts. MadFit has made fun workouts for many Taylor Swift albums that help me reach my goals and live out my background dancer dreams.

3. Cassey Ho at Blogilates

Lastly, I don’t think that anyone could discuss the fitness YouTuber community without mentioning Cassey Ho at Blogilates! Cassey was the first fitness YouTuber who ever introduced me to the world of fun fitness. As a sixth grader, I had no idea that working out could go beyond the basic push-ups and sit-ups of middle school PE class. Her positivity radiates through the screen, and I always enjoy her ability to talk about something fun during a difficult move that takes my mind off the burn! Cassey’s stand-alone videos are great for if I want to strengthen a specific area, such as abs. However, she is constantly creating fun challenges that I can do alongside millions of other followers! Every month she releases a calendar on her blog that takes the guesswork out of searching for what workouts to complete.

As a student with goals in every area of life, I often find that exercise is one of the first things to slip when my plate gets full. However, role models like Elle Woods, while fictional, remind me the importance of making my fitness goals a priority alongside academics, work and relationships. With influencers like Jessica Valant Pilates, Maddie at MadFit and Cassey Ho at Blogilates, accessing fun, challenging workouts is easier than ever before. No matter what your fitness level is or what your fitness aspirations are, take some time today to show yourself some love and prioritize movement in a fun way!

Caroline Crews is a fourth-year public relations major at the University of Florida. As a PR major, she enjoys nerding out about consumer analytics and campaign design. Caroline has used her education to design social media plans for both non-profit and for-profit organizations, create targeted email campaigns and construct the branding of several organizations. When Caroline is not immersed in the field of PR, you can find her going on a run, spending time with friends and family, or making a cup of coffee.