“Wherever you go, no matter what weather, always bring your own sunshine.”
This is my ALL-TIME favorite quote. It is my mantra, my motto, my way of life. The weather in Gainesville this week fluctuated between hot, cold and rainy. After wetting my shorts when I sat on my bike seat after it rained, I certainly wasn’t very happy.
When I received a fact error in one of my writing classes and got a D on my assignment, I wasn’t very happy.
When I was up till 2 a.m. doing homework because I had procrastinated, I wasn’t very happy.
But I brought my own sunshine. I pointed out my wet shorts to my co-workers, who laughed. I thanked my teacher for only taking off 20 points for the fact error, compared to the usual 50. I jammed to Oasis and Colbie Caillat when I was doing homework, to relax my mind a bit. See a trend here? Bringing your own sunshine means bringing out a positive trait of yours and applying it to a given situation. It means making the most of something, thinking optimistically and learning to deal with consequences in your own way.
I add personal flair when I can. I have been in some very awkward and very tense moments, and the only thing that got me through was this quote. I can’t be quiet, little me every time I get intimidated in a large group setting. I need to crack the corny jokes I have. I also can’t be in a bad mood just because my shoes are soaked from the rain. I’m pretty sure someone has it worse off than me.
Collegiette, what is your sunshine? Think about it. Try to reach for it and maximize its degree. Maybe it’s your chic fashion taste, or your love for Justin Bieber or your ability to give sound advice. Bring it with you! At all times. By bringing your own sunshine, you’re bringing to the table who you really are. Want to know another word for that? Authenticity.
You’re the best YOU anyone can be. Embrace it.