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Seven Tips to the Perfect Ski Bod

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

 Collegiettes heading to tropical destinations this spring break don’t need to be reminded to hit the gym regularly and soak up some Vitamin D whenever possible, however, it’s the people heading north to hit the slopes who might not realize that they are the ones who truly need the workout. Not only will people be checking out your physique when you jump in the hot tub, but also you need to actually be fit so you can shred it on the mountain. Here are some fitness tricks that you should consider working into your normal routine that would better prepare you for your epic ski vacation:

Run. Run a lot. Mix it up with long runs and sprints to build up strength and endurance. Running is one of the best ways to prepare for skiing.
Add in lunges and squats. You want as much leg strength as possible.
Continue putting in time on the elliptical and Stairmaster- the extra time will really pay off when March rolls around!
Bike either on a spin bike in the gym or around campus.
Stretch! Consider taking up yoga or Pilates. Working on flexibility now will help prevent injury later.
Rollerblade! Not only is rollerblading a fun and unique pastime, it is also an excellent way to get fit for skiing as it exercises many of the same muscles. If you are really looking to up your ski intensity, they make roller skate skis that help you simulate the skiing motion.
Try to workout for an hour or more a week to prepare yourself for the long days on the mountain. After all, you will be skiing way more than that each day to get your money’s worth.

The key to having an exciting, safe ski vacation is adequate preparation and it is never too late to start a training regimen. Any increase in physical activity between now and spring break will have a dramatic impact on your time on the slopes and your general health. Kick those New Year’s Resolutions into gear and hit Southwest until it’s time to hit the slopes!
Check out these websites for sample workout plans and ski fitness: