Yes, running is hard. But making time to run is even more challenging. Especially when you’re taking a full course load, working six hours a week and are incredibly involved on campus.
I’ve discovered this week that scheduling time to train is my biggest challenge at the moment.
It’s just hard to find the time to run five miles in a day when you’re on campus from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. most days of the week. And by the time that I do get home from campus, I’m so mentally and physically drained that the last thing that I want to do is run.
My greatest training concern is that I won’t be ready to run the full half marathon come March 6. And being so involved and busy with life that I can’t find the time to consistently run every day is really not helping my case.
So this week I’ve realized that while I may have to sacrifice some sleep and social time, I really have to push through the exhaustion and chaos of life to make sure that I schedule time to train every day. I really can’t afford to take a day off when my half marathon is starting to creep up on me, so I’m kicking my time management skills into full swing from here on out.
I’m making a vow to myself to utilize every minute in the day so that I can do all that I need to do with school, work and involvement, while also making sure that I’m getting my daily training in. I’m vowing to follow my training plan strictly, because I know that it’s going to best prepare me for my race. And, I’m vowing to take better care of myself so that I don’t get sick again during my training period.
I don’t want to be that girl who doesn’t finish the race, and I want to feel good when I finally cross that finish line. It’s time to step up my game and kick my butt into gear – I have a half marathon to run in a little over a month’s time.