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Thought From a Former Seminole: Did I Make The Right Move?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

As a senior in high school, I only had two choices: FSU or UF. I claimed the garnet and gold, a choice solidified by the “Seminole Mom” sticker on my mom’s car. Little did I know that two years later, a turn of events would cause me to be at the same crossroads again: FSU or UF?

You’re wondering why I transferred in the first place, so I’ll start there. 

Honestly, if you asked me why I transferred within the first month-ish of this semester, I probably lied to you out of shame for my real reason. In a nutshell, sophomore year I mentally hit an all-time low that medically withdrew me from the spring semester. While in recovery, I thought about my plans for fall and realized I couldn’t stomach the thought of seeing the same places I did when I was in that dark headspace. So, encouraged by my therapist (thanks Stephanie), who pushed for me to start anew elsewhere, I began to entertain the idea of becoming a gator. Lo and behold, here I am. 

Enough with the doom and gloom. Here’s what I’ve liked about UF so far!

First, I love my professors. They’re some of the most passionate people I’ve ever met and make going to class feel like a true privilege. I feel supported both as a student and simply as a human. One of my professors even has TAs doing emotional support sessions (much needed for organic chemistry) while my Gardening and You professor is one of the warmest, funniest people I’ve ever met (also he gives us free plants woohoo!). 

Second, there are more Starbucks on campus here. Need I say more?

Third, it’s not as hilly here, so I don’t have to walk past people while semi-holding my breath so they don’t find out how out of shape I am.

However, the biggest and most valuable difference I have noted is the culture. You might’ve heard FSU being called a “party school” and while my experience there was so much more than just that, I won’t say the stereotype isn’t true. Yeah FSU felt more fun, but I feel like the culture at UF suits me a bit more. I feel a more competitive, “nose to the grindstone” type of vibe here, which has proven to be a double-edged sword. My neurotic self would be the first to admit to you that this has triggered imposter syndrome that hits harder than vodka on an empty stomach, but damn if it isn’t motivating.  

This is the best I have felt in a while. I feel whole. I feel driven. But I think I’d be oversimplifying the situation if I attributed this positive change simply to a change of institution. FSU taught me so much academically, professionally and most importantly, a lot about myself. I think that the rock bottom I hit was inevitable so I can be who I am now. FSU just unfortunately was the backdrop as it unfolded. But it was those lows that have shown me what I need to flourish – not necessarily specifically at college, but anywhere as a young adult. 

So, moral of the story, go Noles. I’m kidding (although I miss my FSU girls every single day). The moral of the story is everything is what you make of it. I truly believe that my experience at FSU was 90% a consequence of me not taking care of myself mentally or physically. I feel good being a Gator, but again, is that because I now have a “Go Gators” sticker on my laptop or because I entered here as a much healthier, well-balanced adult? 

Honestly, I still feel like I’m trying to pluck my heartstrings out of Tallahassee, but I’m gonna give UF my best shot and I’m determined to make it my new home. In the famous words of Ariana Grande, I’d like to say to FSU: thank you, next.

Ranya is a junior transfer student at UF and is a staff writer for Her Campus. She's majoring in microbiology on a pre-med track, but also loves to read and express herself through writing, whether it's through cringey poetry on the notes app or through a Her Campus article. She enjoys playing painfully mediocre piano and watching the Great British Baking Show. You’d most likely find her in a Starbucks line, scrolling through her camera roll because she misses her dog back home. Eventually, she hopes to become a physician and push for female advocacy within healthcare.