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Wellness > Health

10 Thoughts You Have During a Cycling Class

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

In my most recent attempt at physical activity, I’ve begun to cycle. Through this journey of trying to become the epitome of health, I’ve noticed some thoughts everyone has while taking a spin class, or in my case, attempting to take. 


1. You roll into the gym feeling great and looking cute in your best gym gear. You’re ready to conquer. How hard could riding a bike be?




2. You walk into the cycling room and start to get a little nervous. Why is this just a room full of bikes? How many people are coming? Everyone’s adjusting their bike seat. How do you adjust a bike?


3. Just when you think your bike is finally adjusted for your size, you take a seat and realize that was definitely a mistake. This bike seat is probably the most uncomfortable seat in existence. Sitting on a rock would be more comfortable.


4. This is what you’ve been waiting for all night! You work through the pain of the seat and are ready to finally start class. It’s time to shine and show off your inner gym goddess.


5. Class is underway, your face is all red, your heart is beating out of control, but you got this! It’s just the hardest part of the class. Wait… that was just the warm up? We still have 40 minutes left?

6. You’re officially wheezing your way through the pain. The instructor is telling a story about her cat and laughing all while cycling 10 times faster than you and looking absolutely perfect while doing it.


7. Class is halfway done now. This means one step closer to being able to stop moving. You put your game face on because you got this. It’s almost over. You’re officially one step closer to getting in your bed.


8. Is class still going on? This is the longest 45 minutes of your life. You never knew anyone could sweat so much in their entire life. Is this even healthy?


9. You can officially no longer feel your legs, and the girl next to you may have just fainted but that’s ok. You have just entered the home stretch. Push the girl aside and keep going.


10. You definitely won’t be able to walk tomorrow, but you made it! Class is over, and you’re still alive. Also, let’s be real, you’re amazing and secretly loved every minute of it. You already have plans on coming back tomorrow for round two.



As you slowly crawl your way out of the gym and back to the car, it’s important to remember you did it! Cycling is hard, but you cycle for you because you are a strong, confident lady who loves herself and wants to be the best version of you possible!


Cover photo courtesy of Pexel

I'm a Journalism Student at the University of Georgia