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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

It’s that time, the freshman-year jitters seem to course through you faster than coffee, yet your confidence from previous years of college appears just as strong. This can only mean one thing: you’re a transfer student. Yes, you are older than the freshmen, but you feel just like one while wandering around campus trying to find your classes. It’s a scary time (trust me, I’ve been there), but have no fear because these tips are guaranteed to make you love UGA even more than you already do.


1. The UGA app is your saving grace

Avoid walking around campus on the first day, holding that giant red map you got at orientation and just download the app. It has just about everything you need to start off the school year right. A campus map is included in the app and shows your exact location, that means you can even find your classes if you are a terrible map reader (*cough* me *cough*). The app also includes real-time bus routes, meaning you won’t be stuck sitting at a bus stop wondering if it’s running late or if you accidentally missed it, plus you can plan exactly what time to show up to the bus stop if you’re a super impatient person (*cough* also me *cough*). Plus, you can see the routes of the busses so you don’t end up hopping on a bus you think is heading to Dawson Hall, and accidentally end up at Ramsey Center.

2. Ask questions!

Can’t find your classroom? Ask someone. Can’t find the bathroom? Ask someone. Don’t know which bar to hit up later? Ask someone (not a professor though, that might be weird). Seriously, some buildings are confusing. There is absolutely no way I would’ve found my classes or even the bathroom in the labyrinth (otherwise known as the journalism building) without asking people around me. We’ve all been there, and we’ve all needed someone to simply point us in the right direction rather than running around buildings trying to find your classroom.

3. Join a bunch of groups, activities and clubs

I know this is a really cliche thing to say, but it actually helps in so many ways. If you’re a horrifically introverted person like me, your first thought is probably to go to classes, then head straight back to your apartment/dorm until the next day. DO. NOT. DO. THAT. You want to make the most out of your college experience while you’re here and simply going to classes (and nothing more) isn’t going to do that. Join something you feel passionately about and you’ll not only meet tons of people who share the same interests as you, but also get to add some experience to your resume. If you don’t like a club, you can always leave, but you’ll regret never joining one. I joined Her Campus almost immediately and was able to make great friends, become Senior Editor within a year and write about things I love. Now go join a club. Do it. Right now. I’ll wait here.

4. Reconnect with old high school friends

If you grew up in Georgia, then I can say with almost 100% certainty that someone from your high school attends UGA. If you want to make friends, try reconnecting with them. Even if you barely talked to them in high school, keep in mind that people change and that acquaintance you knew from your awkward teen years could become one of your best friends in college.

5. Visit UGA landmarks

We have so many spots on and off UGA’s campus that have meaning (like the Arch, the Chapel Bell, the tree that owns itself, the iron horse)… Visiting these spots will make you feel so much closer to UGA even though you just got here. Take some time and wander around the campus because it is a truly wonderful place to explore.



Thumbnail by Green Chameleon on Unsplash.