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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

If you’re like me, midterm week is upon you, and you may be filled with stress and dread about all the homework you have to do. Maybe you have a midterm, project and essay due on the same day. But having all these assignments doesn’t mean you should lose sleep, forget to eatĀ or not take care of yourself. So, here are five things to do to manage stress and have stress relief during this busy time.

Make a To-Do List

My first recommendation is to make a to-do list of all the tasks and deadlines you have. MakeĀ time slots so each task has a time or day allotted to it. Of course be flexible with your time because only you know what is best for your schedule. This way you can manage your time and organize your brain a lot better, so you don’t feel like you’re workingĀ on autopilot.

Take Breaks During Studying

Sometimes you need to take a break, or simply a breather, when studying gets to be too much. Put down your work and grab a snack, take a walk, take a quick (but productive) napĀ or watch a short YouTube video to provide some laughs. Find something that relaxes you and replenishes your energy so you can get back to being your best self.

Listen To Some Chill Music

Sometimes when you’re really stressed out, a chill playlist can do wonders. Find favorite tunes that revive you, help with your naps, can be good for meditation or just to play while studying. Search “stress relief” or “chill music” on Spotify and find all the curated playlists they have, or make your own!

Drink Some Tea

So, here’s the teaā€”about actual tea, I mean. Just straight up herbal tea is good for you. It’s supposed to help provide antioxidants and other nutrients, relieve anxietyĀ and be a calming substance. There are also tons of flavors for the pickiest of tea drinkers. Just saying, it’s a good idea to cut back on caffeine in terms of stress, but herbal tea doesn’t hurt.

Finally, use a stress ball.

I know what you’re saying. They actually work? Yes, get yourself a cute, little stress ball. Squeezing them super hard can release tension and bring about the feeling of ease.Ā Plus, it’s technically exercise since you’re moving a muscle.

So, that’s all I have to say besides . . . you got this!

UGA '22. Entertainment Media Studies major with a Theatre Studies Minor and a New Media Certificate (wants to be a television writer or a producer of digital content promoting kindness). Just your average, kinda awkward, 40 year old Jewish mom in a 19 year old's body who loves coffee, bagels, television, and late nights on Amazon. Check here for random writing thoughts!