The Marvel cinematic universe has been dominated by male leads. The release of Captain Marvel marked the momentous occasion of the first female-led Marvel movie. To commemorate this accomplishment, here are six other influential female characters in the Marvel cinematic universe:
1. Shuri
She may play a supporting role to her brother, the Black Panther, but Shuri is great all on her own. She’s a teenage technological genius, canonically smarter than Tony Stark. She firmly believes that everything can be improved and is willing to fight for the advancement of society and progress.
2. Agent Peggy Carter
As a woman in a field dominated primarily by men, Peggy Carter refuses to conform to the expectations of those around her. She’s one of the most efficient and prominent agents and ends up being the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. She knows her value and fights for what she believes in.
3. Agent Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow
Trained as an assassin in her youth, she’s a ruthless spy and agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who is undefeated in hand-to-hand combat. Even though she doesn’t have superpowers of her own, she fights alongside the Avengers as a brilliant strategist and determined warrior.
4. Okoye
She’s the leader of the Dora Milaje and fiercely loyal to her country and king. Okoye is also a formidable warrior and never backs down from a fight.
5. Agent Melinda May aka The Cavalry
She’s a one-woman army and an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who is almost unstoppable on the battlefield. In addition to her ferocity in combat, she’s an ace pilot and tactical genius who has no problem fighting for the greater good.
6. Jessica Jones
Although she endured terrible abuse, she has incredible strength (literally) and confidence in herself and her abilities. She’s a protector of the helpless and fights for the good of humanity.
These incredible characters should be an inspiration to all women, no matter their age.Â