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7 Ways to Show People That You Care About Them This Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Platonic love is underrated. It doesn’t matter if it’s a special day—friends have your back year-round. There’s no reason why we can’t celebrate our love for friends and family in place of or alongside romantic love for a partner. So, here are seven ways to show anyone in your life that you love them this Valentine’s Day!

Send them a letter

Everyone loves receiving mail! Sending a handwritten card their way is a great way to show someone you love them and it is sure to make their day.

Make them a card

Who doesn’t love arts and crafts! It’s time to pull out the construction paper, stickers, and glitter! Making someone a card is a great way to show someone you care. Even if the card is not a work of art, the effort you put into making it will mean a lot. 

Pass out little notes

If you don’t have time to write a letter, go to the store and buy one of the packs of cards that kids pass out in elementary school. It is a fun and easy way to show that you’re thinking of someone. Not to mention they come in a wide variety of themes from superheroes to funny animals and they often come with pencils, stickers, or even little tattoos. Who wouldn’t love that?

Bake them something

This one requires a little more effort, but baking your friends cookies or brownies is a sweet way of showing them that they are worth the extra work!

Buy some sweets

If between work and classes you don’t have time to bake, you could always buy some candy or cookies to pass out to them. Every college student knows free food is the way to the heart and they will be sure to appreciate it!


Plan a hangout

One of the best ways to show love is through spending time together, so get your friends together and plan a day. Whether you’re staying in with popcorn and a movie or going out on the town, reaching out to your friends to get together is a great way to show you love them and their company!

Send them a text

This might seem too simple, but if all else fails, send them a text letting them know you’re thinking of them. Sending someone in your life a spontaneous text is a quick way to let them know you love and appreciate them and it will mean a lot more to them than you think it will.

How you feel about your friends or family might seem obvious to you, but life is too short to have regrets about not telling the people around you just how much they mean to you! So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and show the people in your life you care!

I am a CMSD major and Spanish minor at the University of Georgia.