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Casey Hightower ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Name:  Casey Hightower

Year: Freshman

Major:  Environmental Engineering

Hometown:  Leesburg, GA

Relationship Status:  In a Complicated Relationship

Hobbies:  sports, reading on a sunny afternoon, CrossFit, hunting, fishing, joy riding on ATV’s, and hanging out with all of my friends

Favorite UGA Memory:  The LSU vs. Georgia game is definitely up there.  GA/FL was a great weekend too-my friends and I drove down to St. Simons on Thursday, hung out on Frat Beach all day Friday, and took a bus to the tailgate on Saturday.  I’ve also loved meeting kids through UGA Heroes as a part of the Athletic Relations Committee this past year.

Perfect Date:  My perfect date would be going into the country to an open field and lying under the stars with Blake Lively.



A student journalist at the University of Georgia, Brittini Ray has been writing for HCUGA since fall 2011. This past spring, she became the president of Her Campus UGA. Brittini also interns for zpolitics.com. She hopes to learn more about news and the journalsim industry.   Follow Brittini on Twitter