Name: Emirami Pepe
Year: 3rd year
Hometown: Fiji
Major: Business Management
Relationship Status: Single
What made you decide to come to UGA:When I visited UGA and toured the University, I fell in love with the scenery and how much pride that the students had for this university and I knew then I wanted to be a part of that.
Future goals:I would love to be living in LA and make movies. Also, I love for fashion and modeling, it would be great to model for Tom Ford or any of the top designers in New York or LA.
Favorite Campus Spots: I can be found in Ramsey or East Campus village. I work and live as a Resident Assistant in ECV, do my homework and study in my room. Ramsey Center is right across the street, so I frequently will just walk there and work out.
Favorite hobbies/activities: Playing volleyball, tennis, watching movies, and traveling.
Ideal weekend:I like to watch movies and hang out with friends. I love the outdoors, whether it is playing tennis, volleyball or running around.