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Ranking “reputation” since we are never EVER getting Taylor’s Version

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.
Look what you made me do

This song is a complete and utter classic, I’ll give it that. It was the PERFECT first single for the album, and the music video is an iconic masterpiece all its own. But… let’s face it. We’ve all heard this song a few (thousand) times too many. Is it my own fault for overplaying it in middle school, or is it just too repetitive? Guess we’ll never know!

…Ready FOR IT

Are you ready for this one? This song always pumps me up, but I may have used its power a few times too many. It’s perfect for a concert opener, and I can always jam to it, but it just doesn’t hit as hard as it once did.

This is why we can’t have nice things

HAHAHA I can’t even listen to this song with a straight face… just kidding. I love this one but once again (surprise, surprise) I’ve listened to it too many times. The bridge is so fun and lighthearted, and it always makes me smile. I probably wouldn’t seek this song out on my own, but if it comes on while I’m shuffling Taylor’s songs, I’ll jam out to it for sure!


I absolutely ADORE the bridge of this song. It always reminds me so much of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, and I love it for that! But… unfortunately, the rest of it just doesn’t stick out a whole lot for me. It’s one I can only play in very specific settings, that’s for sure!

So it goes…

Number 11, but honestly baby, who’s counting? This song is so good and I love the “1, 2, 3” and the beat drop after it. It always reminds me of the rep tour since, iykyk (spoiler alert: it plays during the credits of the film) and I love that I can visualize the credit scenes in my head whenever I hear it.

Dancing with our hands tied

THE PRODUCTION!! Need I say any more? This song sounds SO cool, and I love the imagery it evokes. Loving someone in secret feels so Gatsby and I’m so here for it. First sight, yeah we love without reason… except there’s lots of reasons to love this song.

Don’t blame me

Don’t blame me for what you made me do… yeah I’m still not over that transition. Full disclosure: I avoided spoilers before the Eras Tour and as a result, was so in shock that I didn’t even realize what she was doing until she was halfway through LWYMMD and I realized it was a different song… OOPS. Her high notes are my favorite thing, and her little head back tilt will never get old.

Getaway Car

This one might be a little controversial… but trust me, I’m just as big of a Getaway Car stan as the next swiftie. HOWEVER… the song is SO popular and gets played so much as a part of “underrated songs” playlists that I simply cannot. I love the bridge more than life itself, and the bit Taylor and Jack do NEVER gets old. But can we please all admit that everyone knows (and justifiably LOVES) this song? It’s not a hidden gem, it’s actually quite visible.

New Years day

Oh to be loved like this song… that would be the dream. There’s something so powerful in the lyrics “please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere” and it cuts right to my very soul. When you’re that in love with someone, you know everything about them, and the recognizing their laugh is something you don’t often think about, but it’s true. Also, the idea that someone will be with you, not only during the fun times, but while you’re cleaning up bottles the morning after your celebration… that’s how you know you’ve found the one. This song is just so sweet and pure intentioned, and the vibes are to die for.


I know this song is probably pretty overplayed for a lot of people… and hear me out. I agree. HOWEVER- my little sister is 4 years old, and this has been her favorite song in the entire world since she learned how to talk. One of her first sentences was “sissy play Delicate?” and I’ll never forget it. She made me memorize the music video’s choreography with her, and she wore a Delicate-esque dress to the Eras Tour movie with me. For nostalgic reasons alone, this song is always gonna be near the top for me. Plus, you know, it helps that it has an amazing music video and the song itself is pretty darn catchy.

I Did something bad

One lyric for you: “they’re burning all the witches, even if you aren’t one.” HELLO?! The imagery in that line alone is so rep coded, and it sums up the album so well. The song itself is a masterpiece and perfectly conveys the plot of the album. She’s being burned alive even though she’s not at fault. ANDDDD the way she sings it live? Go ahead and light me up!


This song might be a popular one, but it’s SO FUN. I love how upbeat and lighthearted it is, and the baby voice gets me every time. PLUS the ding. We cannot forget about the ding. It’s quite literally one of my favorite parts of the entire album. This song is the perfect one to dance to, or to pump yourself up to, and I honestly don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it. It’s just… gorgeous.

END Game

I know people love to hate on it… but hear me out. End Game is so much fun. And while I do agree that the rap verses could have been executed slightly better, I think that for what it is, it’s pretty darn good. Taylor is not a rapper, we know this. But that doesn’t mean we need to tear down the rap verses she does do. They’re FUN and I love her verse in the song especially. It’s so fun to jam to and the music video looks like it would have been an absolute blast to be a part of.

Call it what you want

I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck- not because he owns me, but CAUSE HE REALLY KNOWS ME (which is more than they can say). Be so for real, this song is a lyrical masterpiece. The clip in Miss Americana where she sings it acoustically is one of my favorite things to ever exist. It’s so cute and so pure, and while yes, they might not be together anymore, I don’t think that takes away from how good the song is. The fact of the matter is that she did at one point feel this way about a certain someone, and just because they didn’t last, doesn’t make those feelings any less valid at the point that she had them. It is so beautiful to me that she was able to feel that way about someone, and I truly hope that I’m able to find that type of love someday. This song is adorable, and I stand by that.

king of my heart

This song. Oh my god. It scratches my brain in absolutely the right way. Something about it is just so fun and the production is simply incredible. One of my favorite things to do when listening to music, is to turn the radio up REALLY LOUD so that I can feel the bass in my chest, and this song is one of the best songs to do that with. The bass literally consumes you and it makes my brain so happy. This song is THE song for car rides at night. The vibes are impeccable. And, in my opinion, the best part of this song is that it slaps both with full production, but also acoustically. The video where Taylor performs it at a couple’s engagement party might actually be my favorite live performance to ever exist. It’s so perfect and so happy, and does the song such perfect justice. You KNOW a song is good when it’s a bop in multiple formats, and that is exactly what this song is.

Ellie was born and raised in Chicago, and has loved literature her whole life. She's been writing for as long as she can remember, and at 16, published her debut novel, The Fire of Londyn. So far, she's published a total of three books, with lots of other projects in the works. She also loves to write songs and poetry in her free time, and her spoken word poetry is available to stream on Spotify and wherever you get your music. In terms of education, she's a communications major at the University of Georgia, and is looking to pursue her masters in emerging media. She's always loved school, especially reading and writing! You can follow her on instagram @ellieanneauthor to keep up with her future projects <3