In addition to loads of homework, tons of projects and mandatory events, finding one’s niche is another important aspect of college. Getting involved in extracurricular organizations and feeling that sense of belonging is vital to making the most of a student’s college career. So maybe you’re not a sorority girl, or UGA Heroes is way too big for you to feel as if you’re making an impact; luckily there’s an organization that’s just right.
Samantha German, a junior majoring in Digital Broadcast Journalism, decided to take on the task of creating the organization, Simply Me, for young ladies at the University of Georgia focused on sisterhood, service and self-respect. It’s not a sorority, so no need to stress over Rush. This organization is all about accepting oneself and creating a unique bond.
While encouraging the development of lasting friendships with a diverse group of young ladies and self-improvement this organization also plans to work towards giving back to the surrounding area and making a long-lasting impact in the Athens community.
Simply Me is dedicated to women’s empowerment and community service through enriching programs and service initiatives. But most importantly, it’s more focused on its members and how it can help students grow as successful women.
Look out for future programs from this outstanding program next semester and you will be amazed by their incredible impact on campus!
For more information, feel free to visit Simple Me’s website at