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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Recently I have been on SUCH a podcast kick. Yes, I love the million fall/ Rory Gilmore playlists I have compiled, but podcasts are my most recent obsession. Here are a few that I have been loving recently. Some are news podcasts because we NEED to be up to date on the happenings of our world, but also some are for gossip, and some for overall life advice. Here is my top 5!!

1. Anything Goes with Emma Chamberlin. 

An oldie but a goodie. I love this podcast because of how versatile it is. Through her podcast, I have listened to interviews with everyone from her dad (who actually seems really cool) to Charli XCX to sex doctors. Beyond that, she talks about her most recent obsessions, her random thoughts, her advice for getting out of a slump, relationship advice… just about everything. I love listening to her when I go on my walks or when I have a long drive or when I am just walking around campus. Linked below is her most recent episode!

2. Girls Gotta Eat

Ok hear me out because this is one that definitely had to grow on me. This podcast was made by two awesome ladies (Rayna and Ashley) who actually own a vibrator company. They offer advice on sex, relationships, friendships, and just talk about their lives. They both have backgrounds in comedy which make their episodes so fun to listen to. They also do a ton of interviews (their interview with Serena Kerrigan on confidence was amazing) and the two of them are just such goals for how willing they are to try new things and be 100% their authentic selves.They are good whenever I need something super lighthearted, distracting, and fun. Here’s that Serena episode I was just telling you about…

3. The Girls Bathroom

This podcast is by these two girls from England. They are super cute and I love their accents. This podcast has people send in stories and then the girls read out the story and then give their advice. It’s a bit of a gossip podcast that I love to indulge in. After my ex-boyfriend and I broke up I listened to this podcast religiously because they gave so much relationship advice (spoiler alert: they will always tell you that you are way WAY better than him). Here is one of my recent faves!

4. The Daily

This one is a very, very different vibe from the other ones. The daily is a New York Times daily news release that covers just about everything in about 30 minutes. I love to listen to them in the mornings as I feel like it is my daily dose of the news and current events. I also love how little ads there are. This is typically a pretty easy listen, gets me involved with current news, and is only 30 minutes. ALSO, I love the way they cover politics. BIG election coming up ladies ;)

5. The Moments Podcast

This podcast is all about becoming your very best self and learning to love that self. Lexi Hidalgo (you may know her from TikTok) gives a lot of journaling prompts, tells stories about her journey with various struggles, and gives advice on just about everything. What I love about her is that she is a few years older than me so she just went through a lot of the things that I am experiencing now or will be experiencing soon. She is so relatable and also has a super calming voice. Here is a recent episode!!

These are my top 5 favorite podcasts for right now. I highly recommend just trying out an episode or two of the ones here that seem interesting to you. There is also a so many more that I did not cover but these are just my favorite for right now. I love these because they aren’t the typical, boring podcasts that we typically think of when we hear the word “podcast.” I feel like these ones were made for girls our age looking for something fun to listen to or a way to learn more about our world!

Olivia Bendon is newer to HerCampus as a writer at the UGA chapter. Beyond HerCampus, she is an Environmental Economics and Management major with an emphasis in Environmental law (yay!). In her free time, she loves to explore local coffee shops, coach mock trial, listen to taylor swift, and read!