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12 Signs that You’re in Love

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

They say that when you’re in love, you just know. Sometimes, however, things aren’t so clear. For those of you struggling to figure out your feelings, here is a list of 12 signs that you’re in love.


1. You want to be with your partner, even when they are sick.

You are risking your own health in order to spend time with your partner. No one likes getting sick, so the fact that you’re willing (and want) to be with them when they’re sick speaks volumes.

2. You always want to make time for them.

No matter how busy you are, you will always try to make time for your significant other. Whether it means working extra hard during the week so that you have time on the weekends or waking up extra early or going to sleep extra late; you manage to make him or her a priority

3. They are your “go-to” person with everything.

If you ever need to vent, need advice, or have exciting news to share the first person you want to consult is your significant other.

4. You have a strange appreciation of their weird habits.

Everyone has quirks. If you find your partner’s quirks and weird habits cute, endearing, or amusing, you may be in love.

5. They don’t gross you out.

No one is perfect and sometimes your boyfriend/girlfriend might have stinky feet, bad breath, or any number of things that would gross you out if it were anyone else. The important thing is that when it’s your partner, you don’t really mind.

6. You want to show them off.

If you love your partner, you’re going to want to show everyone else how wonderful they are.

7. You feel completely comfortable with them.

Just like how it’s important that you appreciate your partner’s quarks, it’s important that you trust your partner to appreciate your own quarks. Feeling like you can totally be yourself is a crucial part of any relationship.

8. You’re willing to share everything with them.

If you share your food, blanket, or anything else that you’d rather keep for yourself with your boyfriend or girlfriend, chances are you’re in love.

9. Seeing them is the highlight of your day, week, month, what have you.

Depending on your schedules and the distance between you and your partner, you may not be able to see each other all of the time. Regardless of how often you are able to see each other, if that time is the highlight of your day, week, or month, then you’re experiencing love.

10. You can have fun together, even when you aren’t really doing anything.

As long as you’re together, you aren’t bored. Simply talking for hours, perusing the internet together, or watching TV is super fun.

11. You’re willing to do what they’re interested in, even if you don’t share that interest.

If your boyfriend/girlfriend loves art and wants to go to the art museum, you want to go with them even if you have no interest in art yourself. There are numerous other examples of interests you and your significant other may not share, but the fact that you support their interest and take part in it means a lot.  

12. You want to share every new experience with them.

One of the most definitive signs of love is that you want to experience everything with your partner. Life presents new opportunities and adventures all the time. If you always want your boyfriend or girlfriend to experience these new things with you, that is a sure sign that you are in love.


Clare is a sophomore at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is majoring in Marketing and planning on minoring/double majoring in Finance. In her freetime, Clare loves drinking tea, hanging out with her friends and catching up on her favorite TV shows!
Claudia was born in Mexico and moved to Chicago at the age of 8. She is currently attending the University of Illinois at Chicago as a Marketing major. She is really excited to be a part of the HerCampus team and is ready to make HC grow at UIC. She can’t go a day without exercising and especially enjoys Zumba! She loves fashion and reads blogs every day, that’s where she gets her inspiration when she dresses, and hopes to one day have her own! Claudia is currently a representative for AKIRA Chicago, for discount codes contact her at (cmarti74@uic.edu). She strives to be a better person every day, and is really thankful for everything she has. One of Claudia’s favorite quotes is “Enjoy all that you have while you pursue everything that you want”.