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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

1. Bridge Pose

Relieve abdomen pain and get a rejuvenating kick.


2. Bound Angle Pose

Open up your hips and stretch out the area.

3. Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose

Good for just about any pain.

4. Head-To-Knee Forward Bend

For both physical menstrual pain and mental relief.


5. Child’s Pose

The ultimate cure for lower back pain.

Ariana Antonelli is an English major at University of Illinois at Chicago who loves baking, cooking, DIY projects, and writing. Ariana has been collecting recipes for two years and she loves to share them with whoever is willing to listen. Ariana loves giving and receiving self-help and girl advice and is excited to make Her Campus her platform for doing so.
UIC Contributor.