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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

5 Things To Do With Your SO for Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Thumbnail courtesy of Pexels

Photo by Jess Watters from Pexels

When thinking about Valentine’s Day, I always feel like the guys have it easier. I know some might think flowers and chocolate is simple and a cliché, but I love that stuff! But, what do we get the guys? Flowers are too feminine, and I guess chocolates work, but is there something more we should get them? Over the past four years, I have struggled with this same problem. My past gifts have been so bad that I honestly can’t even remember them, but this year will be different, I swear! Here are my top 5 ideas for your SO:

  1. Take him on a dinner date. Take him to a place that is memorable like the place you went for your first dinner out or a nice sit-down restaurant. (Warning: restaurants will be busy, so call ahead for reservations, or go before or after Valentine’s Day as an “I owe you,” and not have to deal with the long lines) 
  2. A watch with a cheesy card that says, something like, “Now, you can count the hours we are together.” Or if your boyfriend is often late – this is another great reason!
  3. Do something with him that he enjoys that you do not. For example, watch a football game with him!
  4. Try something new! Be adventurous, maybe you will both find a new passion!
  5. Make him something! Things made by you and from the heart are the most meaningful presents!

I hope your Valentine’s Day is full of romance and joy.

Hi! My name is Elizabeth Wenzel and go by Lizzie. I am a student at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), class of 2021. I recently switched majors from Accounting to Biological Science. A BioS major is one of the many majors that can be taken as Pre Vet-Med. I hope to pursue my masters and PhD for Vet Med at University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. I found a passion for writing in high school and haven't stopped. Currently I do not a narrow topic I wish to write about but I hope through writing for HerCampusUIC I find the topics I really enjoy writing about,