We all have these “what ifs” that pop in our head when we start to date someone. It doesn’t matter if this is your first relationship or your 10th relationship, because we all think of these “what ifs”. It’s totally natural to have “what ifs” when you begin to date someone. If you’re wondering what “what ifs” are, they are little questions and doubts that pop into your head. They usually are full of worry and doubt about your new relationship, like nervous jitters. Here are the top 5 “what ifs” we face when dating.
1. What if I’m not good enough?
This is a common worry we face when dating someone. We worry that we may not be good enough for them. We wonder, “What if I’m bad at being his girlfriend?”. We have this insecurity that we won’t be good enough for him. It doesn’t matter if he tells us we are best girlfriend he’s ever had or that we are perfect in his eyes. We will instantly believe he’s lying to make us feel better. We will always think he’ll leave us for someone better.
2. What if my heart gets broken?
This is a “what if” we will always face in a relationship. We never know how long we’ll be with that person whether it is for 3 weeks, 6 months, or 2 years. This is a risk we take in every relationship. When you do end it, you wonder if it will be awkward when you see each other or if you guys will end up being good friends. It is scary and nerve wracking to know that your relationship with them might end at any time, but that’s a risk you have to be willing to take.
3. What if I meet someone else?
You will meet and see a lot of guys while you’re dating. You could feel a spark with them just like you did with him. It will begin to make you question if you and him are working out. It doesn’t mean you have to break up with him for the other guy just because you feel a spark. You can feel attracted to the other guy while still feeling more attracted to your guy. Your guy is still the same great guy. I’m not saying you can’t see other people if you’re unhappy with your guy, because you definitely should, but don’t question your relationship just because you felt attracted to other guys.
4. What if I move?
There is the possibility that your relationship turns into a long distance one. If you guys really care about each other, then you guys will be able to put in the hard work to make it work out. It is a difficult thing to go through because you’ll have a constant worry that he may be looking for a new relationship or that it is too stressful for you. Not all long distance relationships work, but there are some that do. You have to be ready to go through a long distance relationship because there will be stress and a lot of ups and downs, but you can make it work if you try.
5. What if I fall in love?
This is a risk we all have to take. There is a chance that you could fall in love with whoever you’re dating. It won’t happen every time, but there is a chance you could fall in love. Sometimes you don’t realize that you’ve fallen in love because it catches you by surprise. You’ll know when you’ve fallen for someone because you won’t see anyone but him or her, and can’t imagine your life without them.
These are just some of the “what ifs” we face when it comes to dating. These “what ifs” shouldn’t stop you from dating. Fear and worry are the only things stopping you. Take that risk and take that leap. Talk to that boy from your lecture that you’ve been thinking about. Ignore all the “what ifs” that are running through your head and take a chance with whoever you’re thinking about.