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Campus Cutie: Mana Discekici

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.


Name: Mana Discekici

Year: Senior

Hometown: Buffalo Grove

Birthday: 10/14/1993

Heritage: Japanese and Turkish

Major: Psychology 

UIC Life:

Local or Commuter?


What are you involved with on campus?

Phi Sigma Sigma 

What is your favorite thing about UIC?

The location. It’s great being close to Greektown because I love Greek food.

What is your least favorite thing about UIC?

The architecture of our school. It doesn’t really have a campus life feel to it like other colleges at state schools do. 

What are your plans after graduation?

My plans are to travel to Turkey and Greece. Then after, I would work for non-profit foundations in Ann & Robert Lurie H Children’s Hospital.

Fun Facts:

Interesting Fact?

I lived in Guam for 6 years.

Favorite Place to Eat?

Greek Islands

What are your hobbies?

Though I am not planning on pursuing it as a career, I love interning for wedding planning companies along with interior design. 

What kind of music are you into?

I love John Mayer 

What’s you’re favorite animal?


Favorite Movie:

The Imitation Gang 

Favorite TV Show:

The Sopranos 

If you could have a plane ticket to anywhere in the world where would you go?

New Zealand

Love Life:

Interested in: 


Relationship Status:


Celebrity Crushes:

Joseph Gordon-Levitt 

What do you look for in a guy?

A guy who’s tall and athletic. For personality he has to be a gentleman and have a good sense of a humor.

What is your deal breaker?

A guy who’s egotistical and bad hygiene

Describe your dream date?

Laying together in a hammock on the islands of Greece drinking moscow mules. 

Tenzin Moenkyi was born in the small village of Dharamsala, India where many Tibetan refugees reside. At a young age she immigrated to Rogers Park, a diverse Chicago neighborhood located on the north side. The issues regarding Tibet's political turmoil with China along with those in her community in the city made her passionate about political affairs and social justice. Currently, she is a Junior at the University of Illinois at Chicago double-majoring in Economics and Politcal Science. She is her chapter's treasurer of the national sorority Phi Sigma Sigma, a writer for HerCampus Magazine, and model for Stewart Talent Agency. Catch her modeling in this year's Chicago Fashion Week on October 15th! 
Erin is a Communication student at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the President and Editor-in-Chief of UIC's Her Campus chapter. On a daily basis, she can be found making excessive film references and getting overly emotional about superhero TV shows. She has a deep passion for writing, movies, music, good books, and great food, and will gladly talk your ear off about all of the above if prompted to do so.Â