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Rebecca Hoskins / Her Campus Media
Wellness > Mental Health

How To Take Care of Your Mental Health During This Election

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

This year, we have been through many things: massive social and political unrest, a global health pandemic, and probably the most talked-about presidential election we’ve ever seen. This election year will also be our first time voting in a presidential election, for many of us. With more pressure to vote than ever before, we are being urged to participate in politics however we can. Now that Election Day is over, and we are still waiting for all of the votes to be counted, some of us may face election anxiety now, more than ever before. We are seeing big cities across the country boarding up business and citizens being urged to stay home to prepare for the possibility of rioting. No doubt about it, this election is year has been scary. Now, regardless of how you have participated in this election, there is nothing left to do for now but stay home and wait. However, I want you to know that your mental health and election anxiety are just as important as your physical wellbeing.   

Stay in Touch With Family and Friends 

As we all are watching the election, it is important to have a good inner circle of friends and family to support each other, no matter the result. So call, FaceTime, or text your loved ones. Maybe even watch the election together, if you wish. It is more comforting to remember that you are not alone in this experience. 

Be Gentle With Yourself

I urge you guys to set some time aside for self-care this week. Meditate, read a book, binge watch Netflix, or do some yoga. Do whatever makes you happy. Allow yourself to enjoy something that is done solely for you. This will help with anxiety. 

Take Some Time to Be With Nature

The outdoors can be very relaxing. For this reason, I urge you to spend some time outside. Going on a nature walk with a friend would definitely help you relax and maybe ease some discomfort. 


Take some time to separate from social media. I know it’s incredibly hard, especially as we are waiting for the election results. However, as I have learned the hard way today and yesterday, checking the results every 5 minutes will not make the results come any faster. Instead, take some time away from your phone to check in with yourself.

I just want you to know that is okay to focus on you. Spend some time with yourself. Remind yourself that you are not alone and focus on what makes you happy during such stressful times.   

Hello! My name is Tayo Omoniyi, and I am from Tinley Park, Illinois. I am a 2nd-year student at the University of Illinois at Chicago, studying Biology with a pre-medicine track. My passions are writing, travel and medicine. My ultimate career goal is to become a pediatric doctor. Outside of school, I love spending time with my family and friends. I have two younger sisters.
UIC Contributor.