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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Karl Kraus is a Finance major, a Managerial Studies minor, and a member of the Honors College at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Karl is always on the go, participating in extracurricular activities, landing internships, and still finding time for his hobbies.

Karl participates in Model United Nations and the Finance Investment Group. He attends weekly meetings with the UICMUN team, debating international issues and practicing for upcoming conferences. “Our last conference was three weeks ago where I was a member of the USSR cabinet set in the year 1989 right before the fall of the Berlin Wall. It was fun and our team did well. We brought glory to all of our Communist brothers!” joked Karl.
He also attends bi-weekly meetings for FIG, where the group discusses various topics that relate to the field of finance. “It is a good enhancement to my education and gives me a different perspective to my finance classes,” said Karl.

Karl was lucky enough to intern with the Chicago Bears last summer and went to Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, IL to help the team out with Training Camp. “I am happy to have participated in it and I have learned very valuable work experience,” said Karl.

Karl plans to find a job in finance after graduation and eventually get his M.B.A. One of his goals is to start his own business or to become a professor.

In his spare time, Karl spends time with his friends, attends concerts, and reads. He enjoys crocheting and makes his own hats and headbands.  “I can also be seen long boarding around campus and engaging in in-depth discussions with random people I meet,” said Karl.