Failed that Exam? Do Not Let it Discourage You!
You prepared for an exam but your grade did not quite look the way you wanted it to. This can be a very sad moment and it could make you feel very discouraged. But, looking at it from a different perspective can help you learn from your mistakes, and hopefully, help you get better in time for your next exam.Â
1. Realize that this is a learning opportunity and let that bad test exam motivate you into trying harder for the next one.
That test is in the grade book. You can’t do much about it, but let it motivate you to try harder. If you let this discourage you, it will only make it worse and it may even affect your grade in other classes. Do not let this happen! Keep striving for the gold and don’t let one grade bring you down!
2. Dedicate more time into that specific subject.
Plan to dedicate more time to studying the subject you are struggling with. See if you can fit in a couple more hours into your schedule to study for the class. Make sure you are reviewing the material every week, so that way you won’t fall behind in the class.Â
3. Go to tutoring or office hours.
You are paying thousands of dollars, use them wisely! See what sort of help can be provided to you. There are usually plenty of resources available on campus that can help you become better at the subject you are struggling with. Ask your counselor where you can find these resources. Also, ask your teacher how you can schedule an appointment with them.
4. See if there are any study groups and change up your studying methods.
If the way you studied before did not lead to a good grade, try something different. Change up the way you study and look up new study methods. See what works best for you and what helps you learn best. Also, look for people who are in the same class as you. They may very well want to study with you. They may know something you did not and you may be able to help them as well.