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Six Realities of Love

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Everyone seems to think of being in love as the most magical thing ever. Movies, tv shows, books, ect., all play into this romantic and fantastic idea of love. Like so many things in the world, love is a quality often over simplified and glorified. While it is a wonderful thing, there are many realities of love that are often ignored. Below is a list of some of those realities.

1.      That lovey-dovey feeling you’re having will not last forever.

If you’re somewhat early on in a relationship and you’re experiencing all of the typical lovey-dovey emotions, you, my friend, are still in the honey moon phase. The honey moon phase can last different periods of time for different people/couples. It can last for weeks, months, or even a year, but it will eventually end. This may sound very pessimistic, but it is reality and it’s not necessarily a bad thing. It doesn’t mean that you will fall out of love, rather it means that your love will become more grounded in reality and down-to-earth instead of being this blissful euphoria you may be experiencing now.

2.      Sometimes it happens without you even realizing that it’s happening.

Sometimes you meet someone and you just hit it off. You just each other in a way that’s rare and unique. Often when this happens, you fall in love with the person without even realizing it. Before you know it they are a part of your life that you can’t imagine being without. Sometimes you meet someone and the opposite is the case. You may not hit it off and it might take a while for you to become close. In this scenario, you may fall in love so gradually that you don’t even realize that it’s happening. Then, there is always the situation of friends falling in love with each other. This can also happen so gradually that you don’t realize you’re falling in love.

3.      Love is complicated.

Love is in no way a simple thing. They say that when you truly love someone, you just know. That is not always true. In real life love is not black and white. There are many different kinds of love. There are different degrees of love. Infatuation and lust can often be mistaken for love. There may be times when you are certain that your significant other is the love of your life and then you may break up. There may even be times when you just simply don’t know whether you’re in love or not. Any way you cut it, love is not as simple as romantics make it out to be.

4.      Love is hard.

Being in love with someone is not an easy thing. It can be scary and overwhelming. If you weren’t an over thinker before, it might make you one. If you weren’t an emotional person before, being in love might make you that way. There will probably be times when you doubt, question, and other think your love. This can cause great heart ache. It might cause you to worry, stress, and sometimes even be completely crazy.

5.      Love will cause you extreme happiness and extreme sadness.

Love is like a roller coaster. It is not always going to be butterflies and roses and puppies and everything good. There will be times when love will hurt you. All relationships have hardships, no matter how great they are. With love comes also the potential for great hurt.

6.      Love will make you question all of your preconceived notions about love.

Once you are past the honeymoon phase of your relationship, you will realize that love isn’t what you were expecting it to be like. The more of a romantic you were before, the harsher this reality will be. There are many myths about love that you’ll find to be false throughout the course of your life. You’ll realize that the love stories in books and movies are nothing like real life. This may be tough to accept at first, but it will make you wiser. 

Clare is a sophomore at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is majoring in Marketing and planning on minoring/double majoring in Finance. In her freetime, Clare loves drinking tea, hanging out with her friends and catching up on her favorite TV shows!
UIC Contributor.