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Tips for Establishing an Effective Morning Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Getting out of bed and getting ready can be challenging in the morning, especially if you are usually in a rush or have a morning class. Establishing a solid morning routine can help you get a bright start to your day and increase motivation for the rest of your day. Try out some of these helpful tips below and have a beautiful morning.

1. Make your bed

(Is anyone even surprised this is the first point here?) Though making your bed may sound like a trivial task, it can be the first task you accomplish each day. Starting the day off completing your first task can help motivate you for your next task. You can also look at it as a way to “clean” your room first thing in the morning- even if you have a pile of clothes you forgot to put away, at least your bed is nice and neat.

2. Journal

Whether you are using a guided journal or simply an agenda book to plan your day out, setting aside a few minutes to journal in the morning can help you gather your thoughts before taking on the day. Even a simple 5-minute entry can help kickstart your brain for the day. Write about how you’re feeling or what you need to get done for the day or anything else you want to.

3. Skincare

If you have a good skincare routine, use it to wake you up each morning. Even if you don’t, a splash of cold water to the face usually helps all the same. Having a skincare routine helps add consistency to your morning routine which can make it easier to follow.

4. Breakfast

You’ve undoubtedly heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day many times. Eating a good breakfast gives you the energy you need to start your first task of the day. Whether you are eating cereal or a sandwich, grab something nutritious to energize you. Check out this article for a delicious blueberry oatmeal recipe. If you’re in the rush and always on the go, take a granola bar or something quick to take with you.

5. Movement

Doing some sort of movement to start your day like stretching, yoga, or even going to the gym is a good way to wake you up. It also adds consistency to your morning routine which helps make it more effective. Working out every morning or even everyday can be hard, to try to stay consistent check out this article. It’s important to wake up both your mind and body in the morning.

We may be nearing the end of the semester, but it’s never too late to get a good morning routine that suits your needs and works around your personal schedule. It’s important to establish a consistent routine but also one that is flexible and customized towards your individual morning routine. If you find yourself always rushing, try setting your alarm a little early and make your self get used to a consistent routine.

A sophomore majoring in accounting. Fun Fact: loves to draw and paint in free time.