If you are starting your first year at UIC, then you may want to know some tips about getting around campus so you won’t look too lost. The tips here are about the main buildings you will most likely end up having a class in. Whether you are in your first year, a transfer, or a forgetful junior, these simple tips will help you get around campus.
Student Center East and the Richard J. Daley Library
SCE and the library are right across from each other. You can enter the library on Taylor street or inside of campus and SCE on Halsted or within campus.
Lecture Centers
In the quad, you will notice six lecture centers all around you. They go from Lecture Center A to F. Facing the library, look to the lecture center on the right. That building is LCA. Go down to the building behind it, the smaller building, that is B. The one following B, is C. The lecture centers go counter clock wise from A to F. Across C, is D and then it continues to E (across from B) and F (across from A). Lecture Centers A, C, D and F have four rooms, so check your schedule to make sure you enter the right lecture.
Burnham, Addams, and Taft Hall (a.k.a. the BAT Cave)
These halls are located to the left of LCD, LCE, and LCF facing the library. These halls are connected by a bridge. To remember these three classrooms, just think: BAT (Burnham, Addams, Taft) cave. Though there is another set of three classrooms connected by bridges on the other side on campus, these classrooms can be distinguished by their older appearance.
Grant, Lincoln, and Douglas Hall
These are located to the right of LCA, LCB, and LCC facing the library. These halls are also connected by a bridge. The best abbreviation for these halls are GLD (gold). These classrooms are easy to distinguish because of their window panels and modern design.
University Hall
Though this is not a building with classrooms, most professors will have their office hours in this building. It is the tallest building on campus and can be seen from miles away. It has a slim bottom and widens up at the top.
Stevenson Hall
If you can find the Library and University Hall, then you won’t have much trouble finding Stevenson Hall. This building is located in between UH and the library.
Behavioral Sciences Building
This building is located on Harrison and Morgan. Following UH will help you find BSB.
Education, Performing Arts, and Social Work
This is a tough building to find. You can find EPASW across the street from BSB, next to the Morgan entrance of the CTA Blue Line.