1. Talk to everyone! Even if you are shy, push yourself to meet new people! You never know what will come out of it.
2. Smile! No one wants to talk to someone who isn’t approachable. Make someone’s day and flash a smile when you walk by on the way to class.
3. Work out! Not necessarily every day, but if you go for a run even as little as once a week you will feel much better.
4. Push yourself! Both in school and in your social life. Studying even just a little bit more could be a difference from an A and a B. On the other hand, don’t stay in every night to study, go out and meet people!
5. Stay organized! Take the time to write down all your due dates when you get your syllabus. It will help you get your life together!
6. Explore! Instead of spending endless time watching Netflix in your timeline, explore campus. We are lucky enough to live right next to the city of Lexington, go see what its all about!
7. Sleep! Even just going to bed an hour earlier will make a huge difference in your day.
8. Be and Individual! Learn to do things on your own, you will benefit from it in the end. College is about finding yourself and you can’t do this if you never have alone time.
9. Find a Hobby! Find something that makes you happy and entertained. Believe it or not you will find free time to fill. Not only will it make you feel fulfilled but perhaps it could even be a resume booster.
10. Say yes! You never know what could happen if you say yes. As long as it wont endanger your health do it! Why not?