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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

Clear your mind and imagine this: Someone who is rich, is famous for their run on television, does philanthropic work, is powerful, liked by many and has never held a political position in their life runs for president and wins.

Who came to mind? Was it your president Trump? Or, was it everyone’s favorite television host Oprah frickin’ Winfrey? It was recently speculated that Oprah would run for the presidency in 2020, we can confirm that is not true. Ever since Oprah herself has denied the speculation people have been bummed, but I need to ask the question that no one else is going to ask: do we really need Oprah in the White House?


The answer is “no.” Before you send for my head hear me out, what is the biggest similarity between DJT and Queen O (Besides billions)? Neither have political experience. The rational and sound minded population of America was anti-Trump for a reason bigger than his racist and misogynistic following, he was a businessman and a television personality, not a politician. There would be no sense in electing Oprah just because she’s Oprah, just because she has interviewed politicians does not make her one. If that is the case I say cousin Angela Rye for 2020 then.


Just because I say Oprah should not be our president does not mean all hope is lost for women in the white house. More viable candidates include Kamala Harris, Susan Rice, and Marcia Fudge.


Plus, how confident can we be in someone who got by a car being driven by Josh Peck?



Thumbnail Photo By Ruven Afanador

Body Photo By David Strickler