It is around that time of year when undergraduate upperclassman everywhere are preparing to take the Law School Admission Test. This test is four scored multiple choice sections, each with 35-minute time limits. For the LSAT-flex this year, the online version, the writing sample can be sent in up to eight days before the test. Having an online test is not only convenient and safe during COVID-19, but it also allows you to write the writing sample at a different time than when you are sitting down to take the test. I do feel like this will put less stress on students in an already-rigorous test environment. The LSAT is a reliable indicator of first-year performance for many universities but the numbers in your application are not everything as many schools are looking at your application as a whole. A potential law school I am looking at even told me they do not look at the scores until after the personal statement, resume, and other application materials are reviewed- so while scores are important, don’t loose yourself in them! Without further ado, here are some tips to help readers prepare for the test.
- Practice Schedule
Create a practice schedule to stick to every week. I use Kahn Academy’s free online LSAT prep, it creates a schedule personalized to my plan. The website is easy to navigate and their practice sets/tests all come from previous LSAT tests. All you have to do is make an account, put in your score goal, and take a diagnostic test to see how much you need to do on a weekly basis. Their practice schedule has you choose what days you complete practice sets and what days you will take a full three hour practice tests. While you complete the practice sets, you are able to review what you got wrong. Not only do they provide a quick and easy-to-access material but their videos and explanations help you understand why you got questions wrong so you can understand the topic better.
- Practice Tests
The practice tests are the most important part of your studying. The scheduled three hour practice tests simulate the real LSAT, even more so this year now that the LSAT is online. Using Kahn Academy online, you have the ability to see the elapsed time in the corner and naviagate through the questions with ease. During Kahn Academy’s practice test, you do not see your right or wrong answers until the end. At the end, you are able to review all wrong answers and see what you need to study. After the practice test, Kahn academy assesses your performance again and recreates your practice sets. I find that taking as many practice tests as possible, increases your chances of being less stressed and more prepared on test day. Even after the required amount of practice tests have been taken to reach your goal, keep taking them if you have time because it will continue to improve your score!
- Tracking Progress
Tracking progress on an excel sheet or using an online service is the best way to keep yourself on the right path to reach your goals. The preparation can be mentally draining but the satisfaction of improving your skills will be so worth it. Keeping yourself accountable in preparing for the test is necessary to get to where you need to be, especially because you are already spending a lot of money to take the LSAT itself.
Preparing for the LSAT is hard work but you can do it! Do what is best for you to prepare and keep these tips in your back pocket as you move through the process of preparing for law school.