I, of all people, know what it is like to keep things that are unnecessary, but I still say that I need them and will not let them go.
One could classify me as a hoarder. I do not hoard everything…just most things. Movie tickets, fortunes, shoes, cables and cords, t-shirts, lotion—you get the point.
These things are important to me. I mean, who doesn’t want to keep that fortune that says, “You’re a leader, not a follower”? I need that.
While I am a hoarder and this article may be very hypocritical since I grow such an emotional attachment to everything, it is time to let go of some things.
1. Get rid of those high school t-shirts…unless your grandma or aunt is going to make you a quilt out of them (but why do you need that either?)
2. Throw away those magazines from 2007. What will you ever need them for? Unless you are like my roommate and make collages, recycle or throw them out.
3. Give those fortunes a toss. Everyone gets the same fortune ever now and then, who is to say you won’t?
4. You should also probably throw out all of that old class work from middle school as well. You are older and more knowledgeable that ever. (I gave all of the math work I had kept since middle school to my friend who was taking college algebra. It is helpful in some cases.)
It is hard to throw things away that mean so much to you, but you sometimes have to do it. You don’t want to end up on the show Hoarders: Buried Alive. It may be too late for me, but save yourself.