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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

I am a major fan of movies, and I am definitely not above re-watching the same ones ten thousand times. Sometimes I rewatch them to actually see it again, other times I just like to have something playing while I am doing homework, cleaning or taking a nap. Here are a few movies that never grow old:


  • Jurassic Park (1990)

This classic came out a few years before I was born, however it has been playing in my house at least once a week the past 22 years! My mom’s favorite rewatch movie eventually became mine (and my sister’s) favorite as well.

For a movie in the 90s it has amazing effects; I have not seen a dinosaur that believable until the following Jurassic Park movies (I am also obsessed with them as well)!! Also, Jeff Goldblum shirtless…need I say more? Despite having this beautiful movie on VHS and DVD I was still thoroughly pleased to find it is also on Netflix!


  • Scooby-Doo (2002)

This movie probably is not geared for 22 year olds but since it came out when I was seven I still claim it as a favorite. This live-action version of my favorite cartoon series did not disappoint. With Freddy Prince Jr. and Sarah Michelle Gellar as Fred and Daphne they were set for a hit. This is one of my “I am sick and in bed all day” kind of movies. It never fails to make me laugh and feel a  little bit better.

This treasure is also on Netflix!! Practical.


  • Magic (1998)

This witchin’ movie with a “Hocus Pocus” vibe – although a lot less child sacrifice – stars Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock. The sisterly love makes this movie perfect for girls night in! This movie is often played when I have some house cleaning or small tasks to do.

This movie is not included on Netflix, but it is on Hulu! Although there are plenty of other movies I tend to watch a thousand times over, these are a few of my favorites.



With the rainy and cold days ahead I hope y’all are able to enjoy them as well! Pro tip: every movie is ten times better with snacks and a good blanket!

My hair is usually frizzy and I’m usually craving coffee. I’m a senior at U.K. majoring in Secondary Education with a focus in Social Studies and minoring in Anthropology. I’m so happy to be writing for HerCampus, and so blessed to be on our executive board for my senior year!