Name: Logan Wells
Hometown: Louisville, KY
Graduation Year: 2014
Major and future plans: Computer Engineering. I would like to work for a local company with a job that I truly love going to each day while having a beautiful family to come home to.
Clubs you are in: UK Solar Car Team, UK Student Chapter of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Christian Student Fellowship
Favorite thing about UK:Basketball season
Relationship Status: In love. (AWH.. too cute, sorry girls!)
Ideal date: A day spent out doing fun activities, followed by a delicious, relaxing dinner.
Best pick up line: You’re so beautiful you made me forget my pickup line.
First thing you notice in the opposite sex: Hair. Color, then how it’s fixed.
Hobbies/Interests: I like to spend time with my girlfriend, go see awesome action movies, watch The Office with my dad, go outside and play basketball or tennis and try to think of clever comments to blow people’s minds.
Biggest Fear: Bugs crawling in my shirt.
Favorite movie: The Sandlot
Favorite TV show: The Office
Favorite color: Blue
Fun fact: I love skydiving.
Life motto: Confidence is key.
Sports you play: Tennis, swimming and basketball
Are you superstitious? I’m only superstitious when I play tennis. If I play well using a certain ball, I’ll continue using that ball until I do badly with it, even if it means walking across the court to get it.