Losing a hero creates an indescribable type of pain that gnaws at your chest for days. And at a time so overcome with fear and desperation, there’s a horrible sinking feeling in my stomach that refuses to relent in the slightest. As this year continues, it seems that any element of stability we hope to rely on quickly turns to dust and disappears, making this impending cornerstone in contemporary American history all the more dreadful.
It is impossible for me to believe that the gravity of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing is lost on anyone. Yet seeing so many demonstrations of blatant disrespect toward her and her final wish are so painful to witness. The lying, the hypocrisy and the unquenchable thirst for power are simply odious and the truest testament to what the Republican Party has become. It makes me sick to my stomach to think about the absolutely conspicuous and completely transparent disregard they have for justice and democracy in our country; instead of letting us cast our ballots and express our own desires this November, they want to silence us and shove their own interests down our throats. It’s despicable and disgusting.
This behavior was unacceptable in 2016, but now, it’s totally justified because Republicans are in power. Now it’s their right since they hold the Senate majority and the seat of the presidency. Typical. Absolutely typical.
Instead of being allowed these immediate moments to grieve or the moments afterward to celebrate and honor the life, accomplishments and impact of a cultural icon, we’re entrenched in a draining political mud fight over her vacant seat in the Supreme Court when we’re just over one month (one month!) away from the 2020 Presidential Election. It’s not fair to Justice Ginsburg or her legacy, and it’s certainly not fair to us. This is no longer a matter of ethics or leadership anymore. This is a matter of partisanship and sheer desperation to appease the interest groups that fund Republican campaigns. There is absolutely nothing democratic about this appointment.
What especially pains me about the abhorrent aftermath of this situation is the fact that liberties regarding accessibility to healthcare, reproductive rights and environmental protections are at the threshold of nonexistence. I suppose what is even more frustrating is that the supporters of this appointment don’t seem to see their hypocrisy or understand the consequences of losing these freedoms and protections, and young people like us are forced to bear the brunt of these decisions.
Students under the age of 26 who receive healthcare coverage under their parents’ health insurance plan will lose that coverage if the Affordable Care Act is struck down. Women will lose the autonomy to make decisions about their own bodies and reproductive health. And environmental regulations will be rolled back in hopes of putting corporate interests first, rather than the health and safety of future generations. This appointment is bound to be a disaster for people like us.
This situation has me seething, and the most infuriating aspect of it all is that absolutely nothing can be done. Nothing can be done to stop this trainwreck from happening. Although over 200,000 people have died from COVID-19 and millions have lost their jobs, filling the Supreme Court seat seems to be of more importance than supporting the constituents that got these Senators elected in the first place. Amazing leadership. Truly inspiring.
While there is so much more on my mind, and so much overwhelming sadness, grief, frustration and anger, I feel that I need to end this piece with a promise to all those voting in favor of confirming a new Justice: we are watching you, and ― believe me ― we will remember what you did. We will remember how you behaved during a moment that tested your character and your integrity. A moment that tested your loyalty to us and our democratic institutions. We will remember that you chose to do what was easy, rather than what was right.
And I can certainly promise you this: this November, we will show you no mercy.