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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UMKC chapter.

In my opinion, Pinterest is the best app to spend hours and hours on if you ever get bored with all the other social media apps that you could spend hours on (I’m looking at you Tik Tok). Whenever I ask my friends if they have a Pinterest, most say, “Yes, but…” and then go on to tell me it’s unorganized or they never use it. Sure, it can look unorganized at times, but with new updates and features many don’t know about, Pinterest is an app everyone should love using. 

Set Your Board Covers

Make your Profile page pop! I like to match my board covers to my profile picture, and right now it is a blue theme. To set your board cover, simply go to the pencil edit button on your computer or on your phone, hold down on the board and select the edit pencil button. Once you get to the edit section, select the board cover option to set one of you pins in that board as the cover.

Hide Pins From Your Home Page

This makes everything look more organized. Pinterest will stop showing the pins you hide and those like them. The more you pin, the more “like pins” you will see. To hide a pin on your computer, select the three horizontal dots and then “Hide pin.” On the app, hold down on the board and select the hide pin button.

Use the “More Ideas” option on your boards

This gives you more like pins that can really bring your whole board together. I have found my favorite pins in the More Ideas section of my boards. To find this, go to the board you want to pin to and for both computer and phone, it is to the right of the “Your Pins” section.

Add Sections To Your Boards

This is the best feature yet as my boards have never looked so good. You can add multiple sections to organize your boards. Let’s say you have a wedding board — don’t lie, I know you do —you can add sections for rings, gowns, cakes, venue ideas, the possibilities are endless. For both your phone and computer, select the board you want to add a section to ,press the “+” and then add section.

Make Collaborative Boards

Going on a road trip? Make a pinterest board with your friends! What about getting a new apartment or dorm room? Create a board with your roommates! Not only is it super fun to plan out everything visually like this, but it allows you to find new ideas from your friends. Go to the edit button, select “Make collaborative” and invite your friends.

Happy Pinning! It’s a great way to procrastinate on that assignment you don’t want to work on or find a new craft to make when you have free time. Hopefully you find these features helpful in making some new Pinterest boards. When you try out these tips and tricks, do yourself a favor and check out the Her Campus at UMKC Pinterest too, and give us a follow! 

Amira is currently a senior at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. She is always smiling with a kombucha in her hand & blasting her multiple CĂ©line Dion CD's in her car because duh, the radio can't beat CĂ©line Dion. On any given day she will gladly talk your ear off about Grey's Anatomy, stronger background checks for gun purchases and why immigrants are some of the most important members of our society.
Krit graduated with English and Chemistry degrees from UMKC. As the President and founder of UMKC’s chapter, she hopes HC UMKC will continue to create content that inspires students. Some of her favorite things include coffee and writing.