Senator Bernie Sanders has officially dropped out of the democratic presidential primary. I know that for a lot of us, this was heart wrenching and the last thing we needed to happen on top of this pandemic. But I want to remind you that even though this may seem like it, this is not the end. There is an entire fight ahead of us in terms of progressive politics and we need to keep moving.Â
Despair and anger are both legitimate emotions that I encourage you to let yourself feel and to fully feel. But I don’t want you to get stuck in them. This primary should radicalize you and push you to want to become more involved or outspoken about politics. The typical college-aged voting bracket is one of the most disregarded and it’s important that we show politicians that we’re serious and that we vote.
I still stand behind many of the principles that Sanders championed and I don’t see myself backing down for them. I still have many months until I have to decide what I want to do with Biden essentially being our democratic presidential candidate, so it’s something I’d rather not think about for the time being. I, however, have been putting in extra thought, time and effort into local and state level happenings.
I encourage you to become involved in local grassroots organizations that are fighting for a more progressive agenda or even becoming involved in the campaign of your local progressive politicians. There is so much we can do at local and state levels, even if it doesn’t currently look possible for it to happen at a national level. In the day and age of this pandemic, digital organizing has become the focus of lots of different groups, which should make your access to them better. It will also give you the opportunity to hit the ground running when the pandemic is over and it’s time to organize progressives for the upcoming political revolution to come.