Meet a fun, spunky graduate student who puts her heart and soul into what she loves.
Name: Kelly Montague
Where you were born: Raleigh, NC
Major: Undergraduate = Kinesiology, Sports Medicine concentration // Graduate = Masters of Science in Athletic Training
Why did you choose UNCG?
“I was drawn to the fact that it is a big school, yet has the small school feel to it. You are able to form relationships with people you would not have at a larger university. The program I am currently in is also the major factor why I chose here. It is a small program that allows a lot of individualization and prepares you to succeed in the field of athletic training.”
What’s your dream job?
“To work in Oregon with professional runners (Nike Track Club) as their athletic trainer.”
What inspires you?
“At the moment, my best friends from undergrad here at UNCG. They have all graduated and began working. Hearing how much they love their jobs and finding themselves is making me so excited to graduate in May and begin a new chapter in my life.”
What are your hobbies?
“running, lifting weights, reading, and crafting :)”
Do you have any jobs?
“An internship with Wake Forest University football, Tutoring for UNCG, and UNCG athletic study hall monitor”
If you could speak to your 16 year old self:
“Be kind to everyone you meet and work hard at everything you try in life. By doing those 2 things, you will always be happy.”
One thing on your bucket list:
“Travel abroad to Europe and/or Asia”
Favorite memory during college:
“Being a member of the UNCG cross country and track team; that experience gave me the best memories and some of the best friends.”